
About Me

My Name is Aldyth Malan and I live  in Rustenburg, South Africa.  I have been a "Born Again" Christian since 1953. 
During this time I am sad to say that I have failed God more times than I care to remember.  But  He, praise His Name has never once failed Me. Like the apostle Paul, I can say that he has brought me through times of plenty and also very lean times.  When my husband deserted me  in 1964, two months before the birth of our last child, and then committed suicide eight months later, I was left pennyless with  four children to raise on my own.  In 1964, women's salaries were a pittance and although we had to live frugally none of us ever went to bed hungry, and we stayed together as a family. 

My aim with this blog is to  bring verses of comfort and inspiration, drawn from the Bible, with the help of Almighty God, to  the many people out there who are hurting and do not know which way to turn. If I only help one person that will be reward enough.