
Tuesday, 28 February 2017

IS JESUS GOD (4) did Jesus claim to be God?

                                           IS JESUS GOD?

                 part four

                                                       (copied from

             DID JESUS CLAIM
                 TO BE GOD?

So what is it that convinces many scholars that Jesus claimed to be God?  Author John Piper explains that Jesus claimed power which uniquely belonged to God.

".....Jesus'  friends and enemies were staggered again and again by what He said and did. He would be walking down the road seemingly like any other man, then turn and say something like, 'Before Abraham was, I am.'  Or,  'If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father,. Or, very calmly, after being accused of blasphemy, He would say  'the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins.' 

 To the dead He might simply say 'Come forth' or  'Rise up' and they would obey. To the storms on the sea , He would say, 'Be still'  and to a loaf of bread He would say, 'Become a thousand meals,' and it was done immediately.

But what did Jesus mean by such statements?  Is it possible that Jesus is merely a prophet like Moses, Elijah or Daniel? Even a superficial reading
 of the gospel reveals that Jesus claimed to be Someone  more than a prophet. No other prophet had made such claims about himself, in fact no other prophet ever put himself in God's place.

Some argue that Jesus never explicitly said, "I am God."  It is true that He never stated the exact words, "I am God."  However, Jesus never explicitly said "I am a man,"  or "I am a prophet." Yet Jesus was undoubtedly human, and His followers considered Him a prophet, like Moses and Elijah, so we cannot rule out Jesus being divine just because he didn't say those exact words, anymore than we can say He wasn't a prophet.

 In fact Jesus' statements      about Himself                      contradict the notion that He was simply a   great man, or a prophet.      On more than one                occasion Jesus referred  to Himself as "God's Son"   

Before we examine Jesus' claims, it is important to understand  that He made them in the context of the Jewish belief in one God (monotheism). No faithful Jew would ever believe in more than one God. And Jesus believed in the one God, praying to his father as "The only true God."

But in that same prayer, Jesus spoke of always having existed with His Father. And when Phillip asked Jesus to show them the Father, Jesus said, "Have I been with you so long and you do not know Me? Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father."

So, the question is, was Jesus claiming to be the Hebrew God Who created the Universe?

next post 8th March  

Saturday, 25 February 2017


                                     TWENTY SIXTEEN - 
     PART FORTY   

     Hello folks,
     Ruth is back safely. No problem with car.                     Store says charger was  struck by lightning    "sorry not our fault."

      At around  twelve Ruth decides to make potato chips. The sky is overcast and a storm is threatening so she wants to do it now in case the power goes off again.

She needs to steam the chips  in the microwave, then if the power does go off she can use the gas plate to deep fry the chips.
I am in my room when the power goes off. I go to the kitchen as she transfers the pot of hot oil from the stove to the hot plate. I stay with her while she finishes and she turns off the gas and puts the pot of oil back on the stove. She doesn't realize the stove is still switched on . But the power is off.

We take our bowls of chips to the front porch where we spend the next hour and a half eating and  then just chatting. Suddenly from where I am sitting I see clouds of smoke billowing out from the side of the house and realize something is on fire. I tell Ruth at the same time as she smells the smoke - she can't see it from where she is sitting, she jumps up and runs towards the smoke. I watch but I am thinking the smoke is coming from the direction of Amanda's house, maybe they are burning garden refuse or something.  But Ruth comes running back, panic stricken - the smoke is billowing out of our open back door.  The smoke is coming from our kitchen. She disappears into the house.

I grab my walker and follow. The lounge and dining room are already filling up with smoke and it is difficult to breathe. When I reach the kitchen I can't see anything the smoke is so thick it is surreal and eerie - I can feel the danger, it is alive and very threatening.  Ruth is in this smoke filled kitchen but I can't see her. 

When I speak she shouts, "Mom, get out of this house, get out, get out!"  Fearing that something is about to explode I head for the porch expecting an explosion at any minute, thinking this is the  way it is going to end, we are both going to die in the smoke filled house  I can barely breathe.

  I reach the porch, my throat     is burning from the smoke       and I have difficulty                 breathing - my lungs are no     longer what they used to be.   I wait for Ruth - I expected     her to follow me but it quite     a while before she emerges.

She had to feel her way around the kitchen for a cloth to move the pot and switch the stove off at the wall (she could't see her hand when she lifted it in front of her face) - the power had come on again while we were outside and she had inadvertently not switched the stove off. The oil then began to boil and boil - we have no idea how long it boiled but by the time the smoke had cleared there was just a very thin layer of pitch black oil left on the bottom of the pot and the stove and the pot were covered with pitch black oil. Fortunately she had put the lid back on the pot  which kept the oil confined, otherwise the house would have been a raging inferno, and it would have burned to the ground.

photos of pot - the pot was originally three quarters full of oil - now it is empty.

  She also had to open some windows.  She  also managed to soak a dish towel in water to cover her mouth and nose while making periodic trips to open more windows and switch on the fan.  Fortunately there was no flame.

There are some windows she couldn't open because Harry can get out into the unfenced section. We also couldn't open the dining room windows because they open onto the porch where we were sitting while we wait for it to clear.  It was still pretty uncomfortable though as the smoke smell was very strong I had to keep my mouth and nose covered with the soaked dish towel.

Ruth had inhaled so much of the toxic smoke she had to use the nebulizer twice in the afternoon and will use it again tonight to clear her lungs.

Do you see God's mighty hand in this ? - what a miracle -  He brought us safely through - we only suffered a bit of smoke inhalation.   This happened a month and a day after our ginger beer explosion. The enemy of our souls is trying to destroy us but Our God reigns, He is in control. He goes before us and prepares the way for us to follow.

next post  5th March


Friday, 24 February 2017



                                              Two cowboys are             riding along on the         prairie

1st cowboy:  "what's these them things, flying                                around my face?"

2nd cowboy:  "thems hossflies, you always find                               them flying around the backside of                           a hoss."

1st cowboy     "Are you insinuating that my face                             looks like the backside of a hoss?"

2nd cowboy     "That I aint, pardner, but you can't                           fool them hossflies."

next post  4th March

Thursday, 23 February 2017



                                        When the Lord shall      build up Zion, He shall  appear in His glory.

He will regard the prayer of the destitute and  not despise their prayer.  This shall be written for the generations to come: And the people which shall be created shall praise the Lord, for He hath looked down from the heights of His sanctuary; from heaven did the Lord behold the earth.

To hear the groaning of the prisoner; to loose those who are appointed to death.

To declare the Name of the Lord in Zion and His praise in Jerusalem. When the people are gathered together and the kingdoms serve the Lord.

Of old Thou hast laid the foundation of the earth  and the heavens are the work of Thy hands.  They shall perish , but Thou shalt endure; yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment as a vesture shalt Thou change them and they shall be changed.

    But Thou art the same and Thy years shall have no end. The                     children of Thy servants shall continue and their           seed shall be established         before Thee

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name. Bless the Lord , O my soul and forget not all His benefits.

Who forgiveth all thine iniquities. Who healeth thy diseases. Who redeemeth thy life from destruction., Who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies.

Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things and thy youth is renewed like the eagles. The Lord executeth righteousness and judgement for  all that are oppressed.

next post   3rd March

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

IS JESUS GOD ? (3) or Great Religious Leader?

                                              IS JESUS GOD?

             part three
                                                        (copied from

                                                                       Great Religious Leader?

Surprisingly, Jesus never claimed to be a religious leader. He never got into religious politics or pushed  an ambitious agenda, and he ministered almost entirely outside the religious framework.

When one compares Jesus with other great religious leaders, a remarkable distinction emerges. Ravi Zacharias  has studied world religions and observed a fundamental distinction between Jesus Christ and the founders of other major religions. 

All religions provide instruction for a way of living. But it is only Jesus Who offers deliverance, forgiveness for sin, and transformation "Jesus did not only teach or expound His message. He was identical with His message."

The truth of  Zacharias' point is underscored by the number of times in the Gospels that Jesus' teaching message was simply "Come to Me"  or "Follow Me"  or "Obey Me".  
Also Jesus made it clear that His primary mission was to forgive sins, something  only God could do.

 In  The World's Greatest       Religions, Huston Smith observed that of  all religious leaders only Jesus claimed to be divine.

And that leads us to the question of what Jesus really did claim for Himself, specifically did Jesus claim to be God?

next post  29th February

Sunday, 19 February 2017


                                              RECIPE TIME

                                                        GOOD OLD FASHIONED                                                               PANCAKES


1 and half cups all-purpose flour
3 and half teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 and quarter cups milk
1 egg
3 tablespoons melted butter

method:  In a large bowl, sift all the dry ingredients together - make a well in the center, pour in the milk, and add egg and  melted butter and mix until smooth.

Heat a lightly oiled griddle pan or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using about a quarter cup for each pancake.

When browned , flip or turn the pancake and brown on other side.    

Serve hot with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar or whatever other filling like syrup, or cream, or something savoury.

next post  27th February.


                                    TWENTY SIXTEEN -

    Hello folks, 

                                         Today, 18th  when I told  Danny on whatsapp the latest  developments  he informed      me that Amanda came to see him and also told him that they want us to move to a cottage but she said they would fence off an area for the dogs. She also wanted Steve and Andy's phone numbers.  We can see that they are really trying to help us. The goal posts change because they are trying to find a  suitable solution.

22nd Car battery flat midday  - Ruth phones Danny.  He will come and help.

23rd - Ruth's phone and tablet won't charge , she thinks the charger she bought about three weeks ago is the culprit. She is going to take it back tomorrow and demand her R450 back. 

24th  Ruth goes to town to sort out the charger       problem. She leaves at about 10am. I am still         half asleep as I had a bad night with the storm worrying Harry. Shop refuses to refund for battery charger - have some feeble excuse.

She has just left and already I start panicking - now I am wide awake. Her car battery had given her trouble - Danny had charged it but there was no guarantee that it would not stall while she is on the road.

  Both her cell and her tablet      are not working - what will      she do if the car does stall?      How will she get help?  I        should have given her my        phone.

Few of us know our own cell numbers let alone those of our nearest and dearest. How is she going to get help if she cannot contact anyone?  I frantically send her a whatsapp to get her to come back for my phone completely forgetting she will not get my message.

I whatsapp Danny and relate my fears,  at first he comforts me then admonishes me, "Well her car was working, don't wake sleeping dogs."

I feel ashamed. God is in control, when will I ever learn - I tell Danny that and he says  "You are the only one who can answer that."

next post   26th February

Saturday, 18 February 2017



 An elderly couple enter a restaurant and order a meal. 

 The waiter notices that the woman is eating her food while the husband looks on.

Worried, he approaches their table and asks if the food is okay.  "Yes"  they reply

So he tentatively asks the elderly gentleman why he isn't eating, and gets the reply:

The food is fine sir. I am just waiting for my wife to finish eating so that I can get the false teeth.

next post 25th February

Thursday, 16 February 2017



 I will sing of mercy        and judgement unto      Thee, O Lord, I will  sing. I will behave         myself wisely in a   perfect way. 

 O, when wilt Thou come unto me?  I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.

I will set no wicked thing before my eyes. I hate the work of them that turn aside, it shall not cleave to me.  A frowared heart shall depart from me.  I will not know a wicked person.

Whoso privily slandereth his neighbor, him will I cut off; him that hath a high look and a proud heart will I not suffer.

Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me, he that walketh in a perfect way shall serve me.

He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house. He that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight.

  Hear my prayer, O Lord,  and let my cry come unto Thee.
 Hide not Thy face from me when I am in the day of my trouble: Incline Thine ear unto me ; in the day when I call answer me speedily.

For my days are consumed like smoke and my bones are burned up as a hearth.

My heart is smitten and withered like grass so that I forget to eat my bread. By reason of the voice of my groaning, my bones cleave to my skin.  I am like a pelican of the wilderness; I am like an owl of the dessert.

I Watch and I am like a sparrow alone upon a housetop. For I have eaten ashes like bread and mingled my drink with weeping. Because of Thy wrath and Thy indignation; for Thou hast lifted me up and cast me down.  My days are like a shadow that declineth and I am withered like grass.

But Thou, O Lord, shall endure forever, and Thy remembrance to all generations.  So the heathen shall fear the Name of the Lord and all the kings of the earth Thy glory.

next post 24th February

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

IS JESUS GOD? (2) or great moral teacher?

                                            IS JESUS GOD?

                                                                                                                   part two        

           (copied from 

              GREAT MORAL                                 TEACHER?

Even those from other religions acknowledge that Jesus was a great moral teacher.

Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi, spoke highly of Jesus righteous life and profound words.  Likewise Jewish scholar Joseph Klausner, wrote "It is universally admitted .... that Christ taught the purest and sublimest ethics... which throws the moral precepts and maxims of the wisest men of antiquity far into the shade.

Jesus' sermon on the mount has been called the most superlative teaching of human ethics ever uttered by an individual. In fact, much of what we know today as "equal rights" actually is the result of Jesus' teaching. Historian Will Durant, a non-Christian, said of Jesus that "He lived  and struggled unremittingly for 'equal rights,'  " in modern times He would have been sent to Siberia.  " He that is greatest among you, let him be your servant" - this is the inversion of all political wisdom of all sanity.

Many, like Ghandi, have tried to separate Jesus' teaching on ethics from His claims about Himself, believing that He was simply a great man who taught lofty  moral principles. This was the approach of one of America's Founding Fathers.  President Thomas Jefferson, who cut and pasted a copy of the New Testament, removing sections he thought referred to Jesus' deity, while leaving in other passages regarding Jesus' ethical and moral teaching.


 Jefferson carried around      his cut and pasted New        Testament with him,              revering Jesus as perhaps    the greatest moral  teacher of all time.

In fact, Jefferson's memorable words in the Declaration of  Independence  were rooted in Jesus' teaching that each person is of immense and equal importance to God, regardless of sex, race, or social status. The famous document sets forth "We hold these truths to be self evident , that all men are created equal, that they are endowed  by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. ..."

But one thing Jefferson didn't answer.  If Jesus falsely claimed to be God, He couldn't have been a good moral teacher.

But did Jesus really claim deity?  Before we look at what Jesus claimed, we need to examine the possibility that He was simply a great religious leader.

next post   22nd February

Saturday, 11 February 2017


                                   TWENTY SIXTEEN - 

   Ruth is feeling a bit better        now that the flu is beginning    to lift. I am also feeling a          little better.

   I keep reminding myself          that God is in control. Even though we are having so many trials. He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us.  So whom shall we fear?

"Even though the fig trees have all been destroyed and there is no blossom left nor fruit and if the olive crops all fail and all the fields lie barren and even if the flocks die in the field and the cattle barns are empty. Yet will I trust in the Lord and rejoice in the God of my salvation, for He will give me the speed of a deer and bring me safely over the mountains."
Habakuk  3: 17-19

15th  November - my eyes are now also improving. I have no data or airtime on tablet - I do have 700mb data on my cell but I cannot access it.  Unable to do my blog since Friday the 11th, now unable to  whatsapp as well.

 Amanda tells Ruth that she wants Ruth to  bake cookies to sell - she will provide the  ingredients and someone to assist, and  if necessary        they will install another  stove, at a later stage. Ruth agrees to this, as it will then cover our rent.

 Amanda  and Andre will come over later in the evening to discuss it.  They never arrive.

The next day 16th, Ruth gets an sms from Andre, around 10 am - he says that we must move to a smaller unit (2 bedrooms and we must get rid of our dogs). They now want to use these premises to house 8 orphans and Ruth must be the "housemother"  - the Welfare won't give their approval if the dogs are there.  Wants a reply today. Illogical. How can you house 8 orphans in a house with only one bathroom?

This is very confusing. The goal post change daily. Just continue to wait on the Lord.  He is in control.

next post 26th  February 

Friday, 10 February 2017



    The plane was in              trouble. 

  "Mayday, mayday!"         said the pilot

"Cleared to land,"  came the answer from control, "Can you give us your height and your position."

"Well,"  said the pilot  "I am  5 foot 8 inches tall and I am sitting in the front of the plane."

next post  18th February



                                     The Lord reigns, let  the  people tremble. 
 He sits between the  cherubims, let  the 
 earth be moved.

The Lord is great in Zion, and He is high above all the people. Let them praise Thy great and terrible Name for it is holy.

The King's strength also loveth judgment; Thou dost establish equity. Thou executest judgement and righteousness.

Exalt ye the Lord, our God, and worship at His footstool, for He is holy.

Moses and Aaron among His priests and Samuel among them call upon His Name; They called upon the Lord and He answered them.

He spoke to them in the cloudy pillar, they  kept His testimonies and ordinance  that He gave them.  Thou answereth them, O Lord , our God, Thou wast a God that forgaveth them though Thou tookest vengeance of their inventions.

Exalt the Lord, Our God, for He is holy.

 Make a joyful noise                  unto the Lord, all ye                lands.

 Serve the Lord  with  gladness;  come before His  presence with singing.


  Know ye that the Lord, He is God, It is He that has made us and not we  ourselves.  We are his people and the sheep of  His pasture.

Enter into His gates with  thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him and bless His Name.

For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting and His truth endureth to all generations.

next post   17th February

Monday, 6 February 2017


                                    IS JESUS GOD?
                                                         (copied from 

Have you ever met a man who is the center of  attention wherever he goes?

Some mysterious, indefinable characteristic sets him apart from all other men.Well that's the way it was two thousand years ago with Jesus Christ. But it wasn't merely  Jesus' personality  that captivated
those who heard Him. Those who witnessed His words and life tell us that something about Jesus of Nazareth was different from all other men.

Jesus' only credentials were Himself. He never wrote a book, commanded an army, held a political office or owned  property. He mostly traveled within a hundred miles of His village attracting crowds who were amazed at  His provocative words and stunning deeds.

 Yet Jesus' greatness was obvious to all those who saw and heard Him. And while most great people eventually fade into the history books, Jesus is still the focus of thousands of books and unparalleled media controversy. And much of that controversy revolves around the radical claims Jesus made about Himself - claims that  astounded both his followers and his adversaries.

It was primarily Jesus' unique claims that caused Him to be viewed as a threat by both the Roman authorities and the Jewish hierarchy.  Although He was an outsider with no credentials or political powerbase, within three years, Jesus changed the world for the next twenty centuries. 

  Other moral and religious    leaders have left an              impact, but nothing like        that unknown carpenter's    son from Nazareth.

   What was it about Jesus      Christ that made the            difference?

Was he merely a great man or something more?

These questions get to the heart of Who Jesus really was. Some believe He was merely a great moral teacher, others believe He was simply the leader of the world's greatest religion, but many believe something far more. Christians believe that God has actually visited us in human form.

And they believe the evidence backs that up.
After carefully examining Jesus' life and words, former Cambridge professor and skeptic 
 C.S. Lewis, came to a startling conclusion about Him that altered the course of his life.

So Who is the real Jesus?  many will answer that  Jesus was a great moral teacher. As we take a deeper look at the world's most controversial Person, we begin by asking " could Jesus have been merely a great moral teacher?"

next post ( Number 2 ) 13th February

Sunday, 5 February 2017


                                        RECIPE TIME -                                                     VINEGAR PUDDING


1+half cups flour
quarter tsp salt
2+half cups sugar
2 tsps ground ginger
half tsp ground nutmeg
1+half Tbls butter or margarine
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
2 eggs
half cup vinegar
2 Tbls apricot jam


syrup: place 2 cups water, 2 cups sugar, and half              cup vinegar into a saucepan and bring to                boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Leave to                  cool.

cream butter and sugar, add well beaten eggs. Add all the dry ingredients and the apricot jam. Mix well. Place the dough and the cooled syrup into a large ovenproof dish and bake in a moderate oven (350oF} for 30 to 40 minutes.

Serve with custard or cream.

next post  6th March

Saturday, 4 February 2017


                                            TWENTY SIXTEEN -             PART FORTY  FOUR

 Hello folks, 

 It is Friday the 11th                  November, Ruth is still very  sick.

 Doctor only gave her more flu medications. She is very constipated because there are no funds for the medication she takes to eliminate this.  I do some more research on google for alternatives but become overwhelmed. 

I Cannot think straight anymore. I feel everything is getting too much for me.  Don't go there. Trust in the Lord, He will bring you through this or take you home to be with Him.  Oh how wonderful that would be.!

Saturday 12th, no change, still sick.  I am now unable to gain access to the internet - I have 700mb data but cannot access. It is the second day now and my blogs are behind and there is nothing I can do.  Will try again tomorrow.

Sunday 13th - I am definitely not superstitious but what a horrible day this has been. At 9.30am I still have no access to internet. I try everything, but nothing works.  

Daniel instructs me step by step on whatsapp on how to do a system restore - while busy Ruth comes to remind me that I must cook Sunday lunch as she is still too ill. When food is cooked Ruth comes and does the finishing touches like adding butter to veggies and dishing up the food. Lunch is more than an hour late due to the internet problem.

It is now afternoon. I try again. Now even my blog button that was connected to chrome has now disappeared. Using the sim card in a modem - when I click on the Vodacom button it tells me I have no access and must  move to a position where I can gain access.

I am unable to do this as the battery does not work and the laptop only works when plugged into the electrical power point, where it is standing. When I click on the 5bar button on the far right it says that I am connected but Chrome won't respond - same happens when I resort to wifi from my tablet.  Wifi works on tablet in the same destination  as laptop so why should I have to move the laptop to another destination?  Doesn't make sense. 

Take a break and hear a            massive explosion in the          kitchen. Go to look and find    Ruth already there.  There        were two plastic cold drink      bottles of home made              ginger beer in the door of the fridge and one of them has exploded. 

What a mess!  Most of the fridge's contents are now on the floor. Ruth is standing at the sink with the second bottle of explosive ginger beer held upside down in the sink partly submerged in a bowl of water which was in the sink at time of explosion. She turned the cap of the bottle to let the gas out but quickly closed it again as the pressure was too great. It is now only slightly open restricting the gas from escaping too quickly. 

She hands it over to me while she starts cleaning up the mess by the fridge. Each time I try to lift the bottle from the bowl of water I get sprayed with ginger beer.  It happened to her as well.  She is soaked in ginger beer. 

Now while writing this blog I realize how amazing it is that neither of us were physically hurt. She was in the kitchen when it happened and if she had opened the fridge when the bottle exploded it would have exploded in her face. Also both of us in turn let out the gas from the second bottle, while the cap was still on - we were literally holding a bomb in our hands and deliberately restraining the gas from escaping too quickly. I shudder to think what could have happened if that bottle exploded while one of us was holding it.
I still believe in miracles - and that was really a big miracle.

We have quite a bit of damage to the inside of the fridge. Both of us are in bad shape because of all the things we have been going through. I am physically sick and Ruth is more ill than I am. Then there is still the problem of the rent looming like a sword over our heads.

Then I think of Job in the Bible and remember that his trials were far greater than ours. I also remember that our heavenly Father is working on us to perfect us for His kingdom. If all of this had  happened to us a few months ago  I wonder whether we would have been able to face it so stoically. So you see that it just makes our faith grow stronger.

Outwardly nothing in our circumstances has changed, they have in fact grown worse. But the change is taking place inwardly "and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose."  Romans:8:28

Also "No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man. God is faithful and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will provide a way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."
1st Corinthians 10:13

I now go back to the laptop - my blog button is back, everything is back to normal except I still cannot access the internet.

next post 12th February



   "Hey!"  said the new       arrival at the pub.           "I've got some great       Irish jokes!"

"Before you start,"  said the big guy in the corner, I must warn you that I am Irish."

"Oh, don't worry!  "   said the new comber, " I will  tell them very slowly."

next post   11th February

Thursday, 2 February 2017



                                        Rejoice in the Lord, ye   righteous and give         thanks at  the                 remembrance of His     holiness. 

O sing unto the Lord a new song; for He hath done marvellous things. His right hand and his holy arm hath gotten us the victory.

The Lord hath made known His salvation; His righteousness hath He openly shewed in the sight of the heathen.  He hath remembered His mercy and His truth towards the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth hath seen the salvation of our God.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord; all the earth. Make a loud noise and rejoice and sing praise. 


 Sing unto the Lord with          the harp; with the harp            and the voice of a psalm.

 With trumpets and with sound of cornets 
make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King.

 Let the sea roar and the fullness thereof.
 The world  and they that dwell therein.

Let the floods clap their hands; Let the hills be  joyful together.

next post  10th February