(Copied from Mark Cahill's book "One heartbeat away.")
Another argument for God's existence is the reality of moral law. Man is a moral being, but evolutionists cannot explain where our sense of morality comes from.
How can we know intuitively that something is wrong unless there is a right? Why do right and wrong exist?
Our moral nature can also be seen in our desire for justice. Although we do not always do what is right ourselves, we certainly do not have any trouble when we have been wronged, and when that happens we demand that justice be done.
This moral justice that humans live by had to come from somewhere. But where? Mindless, random chance processes cannot explain the existence of the moral code.
The moral code is also related to the Law of Cause and Effect, which we looked at earlier. This law dictates that an effect never precedes a cause and is never greater than or superior to its cause. Therefore, there must be something that existed before the universe was brought into being, and that cause must be superior to our awesome universe in every way.
As with a building the universe exhibits design so it must have a Designer, since it exhibits intelligence its Designer must be intelligent. Since it exhibits life its Designer must have life. And since it exhibits morality its Designer must be moral.
When you really get down to it it takes more faith to believe there is no God than to believe that there is a God.
How could matter come into being by itself from nothing? How could an effect come from no cause? How could life come from non-life? How could intelligence come from non-intelligence? How could meaning come from meaninglessness?
These are all things that an atheist must believe in order to be consistent - and they all refute the Law of Cause and Effect.
How does that sit with your logic? Always base your decisions on evidence, facts and truth. Don't just go with feelings when making decisions; feelings may be important in some aspects of life, but they do not determine what is true.
Well the ice beneath you is beginning to thicken. When considering the evidence from creation, design, art, order, science and moral law it is obvious that our search for eternal truth is beginning to narrow.
next post 15th May
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