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Here Was A Man
So, do historians believe Jesus was a man or a myth ?
Historians regard both Jesus Christ and Alexander the Great as real men. Yet the manuscript evidence for Jesus is far greater and hundreds of years closer to His life than the historical writings for Alexander are to his. Furthermore, the historical impact far exceeds that of Alexander.
Historians cite the following as evidence for
Jesus' existence:
* Archaeological discoveries continue to verify
the Gospel accounts of people and places they
record, the latest being Pilate Caiaphas, and
the existence of first-century Nazareth .
* Thousands of historical writings document
Jesus' existence. Within 150 years of Jesus' life, 42 authors mention Him in their writings,
including nine non-Christian sources. During that same time period, only nine secular authors mention Tiberius Caesar, only five report the conquests of Julius Caesar. Yet no
historian denies their existence.
* Historians, secular and religious, readily
acknowledge Jesus Christ has influenced our
world more than any other person.
After investigating the Christ-myth theory, the great world historian, Will Durant concluded that
unlike the gods of mythology, Jesus was a real person.
Historian, Paul Johnston states that all serious scholars acknowledge Jesus as real.
Atheist historian Michael Grant writes: "To sum up, modern critical methods fail to support the Christ-myth theory. It has again and again been answered and annihilated by first-rank scholars.
Perhaps the non-Christian historian, H.G. Wells, put it the best, regarding Jesus Christ's existence :
Here was a man. This part of the tale could not have been invented.
Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead ?
The eyewitnesses to Jesus Christ actually spoke and acted as though they believed He really rose from the dead, after His crucifixion. No god of mythology or any other religion ever had followers of such fervent conviction.
But must we take the resurrection of Jesus Christ by faith alone, or is there solid historical evidence ? Several skeptics began investigations into the historical record to prove the resurrection account false. What did they discover ?
(see Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead?)
already posted a little while ago.
next post 2nd September
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Myth Versus Reality
Whereas mythical gods are depicted as super heroes, living out human fantasies and lusts, the Gospels portray Christ as a man of humility, compassion, and impeccable moral character. His followers present Him as a Real Person for Whom they willingly gave their lives.
The non-Christian scientist, Albert Einstein, stated, "No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His Presence pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life ....... No man can deny the fact that Jesus existed, nor that His sayings are beautiful."
Is it possible, Jesus' death and resurrection was plagiarised from these myths? Their case against Jesus was presented in the You Tube movie Zeitgeist, where author Peter Joseph boldly claims,
The reality is Jesus was ... a mythical figure ....
Christianity, along with all other theistic belief systems is the fraud of the age.
As one compares the Jesus of the Gospels with the gods of mythology, a distinction becomes obvious. In contrast to the reality of Jesus revealed in the Gospels, accounts of mythological gods depict unrealistic gods with elements of fantasy.
* Mithra was supposedly born out of a rock.
* Horus was depicted with the head of a falcon.
* Bacchus, Hercules and others were flown to
heaven on the horse Pegasus.
* Osiris was killed, chopped up into 14 pieces
and reassembled by his wife Isis, and brought back to life.
But could Christianity have copied Jesus' death and resurrection from these myths ?
His followers didn't think so. They willingly gave their lives, proclaiming that the account of Jesus' Resurrection was true. (See Did Jesus Rise From The Dead).
Furthermore, "accounts of a dying and rising god, that somewhat parallel the story of Jesus' Resurrection appeared at least 100 years after the reports of Jesus' Resurrection. "
In other words, accounts of Horus, Osiris and Mithra dying and rising from the dead were not in their original mythologies, but were added after the Gospel accounts of Jesus were written.
T.N.D. Mettinger, professor at Lund University writes : "The consensus among modern scholars
- nearly universal - that there were no dying and rising gods that preceded Christianity. They all post dated the first century. "
According to most historians there really are no true parallels between any of these mythical gods and Jesus Christ. However, as C.S. Lewis observes, there are some common themes that speak to man's desire for immortality.
Lewis recounts a conversation he had with
J.R.R. Tolkien, the author of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. "The story of Christ, " said Tolkien, " is simply a true myth : a myth ........ with this tremendous difference that it really happened."
New Testament scholar
F.F. Bruce, concludes:
"Some writers may toy with the fancy of a Christ-myth, but they do not do so on the grounds of historical evidence.
The historicity of Christ is as axiomatic for an unbiased historian as the historicity of Julius Caesar. It is not historians who propagate the
"Christ-myth" theories..
next post 31st August
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Historical Impact
Myths have little, if any, impact on history. The historian Thomas Carlyle said: "The history of the world is but the biography of great men."
There is no nation or regime which owes its foundation or heritage to a mythological person or god.
But, what has been the impact of Jesus Christ?
The average Roman citizen didn't feel His impact until many years after His death. Jesus marshalled no army. He wrote no books and changed no laws. The Jewish leaders and Roman Caesars had hoped to wipe out His memory, and it appeared that they would succeed.
Today, all we see of ancient Rome are ruins. Caesars mighty legions and the pomp of Roman imperial power have faded into oblivion. Yet, how is Jesus remembered today ? What is His enduring influence ?
* More books have been written about Jesus than any other person in history.
* Nations have used His Words as the bedrocks of
their governments. According to Durant, "The triumph of Christ was the beginning of democracy."
* His sermon on the mount established a new
paradigm in ethics and morals.
* Schools, hospitals, and humanitarian works, have been founded in His Name. Over 100
grand universities - including Harvard, Yale,
Princeton, Dartmouth, Columbia and Oxford -
were begun by His followers.
* The elevated role of women in Western culture
traces its roots back to Jesus' teachings.
(Women in Jesus' day were considered inferior
and virtual non-persons until His teaching was followed.)
* Slavery was abolished in Britain and America,
due to Jesus' teaching that each life is valuable.
Amazingly Jesus made all this impact as a result of just a three year period of public ministry. When noted author and world historian, H.G. Wells,
was asked who has left the greatest legacy on history, he replied, "By this test Jesus stands first."
Yale historian, Jaroslav Pelican writes: "Regardless of what anyone may personally think or believe about Him, Jesus of Nazareth has been the dominant figure in the history of Western culture for almost twenty centuries....
it is from His birth that most of the human race dates its calendars.
It is by His name that many curse.
And it is by His Name that many Pray.
If Jesus didn't exist one must wonder how a myth could so alter history.
next post 28th August
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The New Testament
Skeptics like Ellen Johnson also dismiss the New Testament as evidence for Jesus, calling it biased. However, even most non-Christian historians consider ancient New Testament documents as solid evidence for Jesus' existence. Cambridge historian, Michael Grant, an atheist, argues that the New Testament should be considered as evidence in the same way as other ancient history.
If we apply to the New Testament, as we should, the same sort of criteria as we should apply to other ancient writings containing historical material, we can no more reject Jesus' existence, than we can reject a mass of pagan personages,
whose reality as historical figures is never questioned.
The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) are
primary accounts of Jesus' life and words. Luke begins his Gospel with these words to Theophilus;
"Since I myself have carefully examined everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you most excellent Theophilus."
Noted archaeologist, Sir William Ramsey, originally rejected Luke's historical account of Jesus. However, he later acknowledged ,"Luke is a historian of the first rank..... this author should
be placed along with the very greatest historians ..... Luke's history is unsurpassed in respect of its trustworthiness."
The earliest accounts of Alexander were written 300 years after him. But how close to the life of Jesus were the Gospels written ? Would eyewitnesses to Jesus have still been alive, or was there enough time for a legend to have developed?
In the 1830s, German scholars argued that the New Testament was written in the 3rd century, much too late to have been written by Jesus' apostles. However, manuscript copies, discovered in the 19th and 20th centuries, by archaeologists proved these accounts of Jesus were written much earlier.
William Albright dated all the New Testament books "between a.d.50 and a.d.75."
John A.T. Robinson, of Cambridge, dates all New Testament books by a.d.40-65.
Such early dating means they were written when eyewitnesses were alive, much too early for a myth or legend to develop.
After C.S. Lewis read the Gospels, he wrote: "Now as a literary historian, I am perfectly convinced that .... the Gospels are ... not legends.
I have read a great deal of legend and I am quite clear that they are not the same sort of thing."
The quantity of manuscripts for the New
Testament is enormous.
Over 24,000 complete or partial copies of its books exists, putting it far above all other ancient documents.
No other ancient, historical person , religious or secular, is backed up by as much documentation as is Jesus Christ. Historian Paul Johnson remarks: "If we consider that Tacitus for example, survives, in only one medieval manuscript, the quantity of early New Testament documents is remarkable.
next post 27th August
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Historical Facts About Jesus.
These early non-Christian sources provide the
following facts about Jesus Christ:
* Jesus was from Nazareth
* Jesus lived a wise and virtuous life
* Jesus was crucified in Judea under Pontius
Pilate, during the reign of Tiberius Caesar, at
Passover time, being considered the Jewish
* Jesus was believed by His disciples to have
died and to have risen from the dead three
days later.
* Jesus' enemies acknowledged that He performed unusual feats
* Jesus disciples multiplied rapidly, spreading
as far as Rome
* Jesus' disciples lived moral lives and worshiped Christ as God.
This general outline of Jesus' life agrees perfectly
with the New Testament.
Gary Habarmas notes; "In total, about one-third
of these non-Christian sources date back from the first century; a majority originate no later than the mid-second century." According to Encyclopedia
Britannica "These independent accounts prove that in ancient times, even the opponents of Christianity never doubted the historicity of Jesus."
Early Christian Accounts
Early Christians wrote thousands of letters, sermons and commentaries about Jesus. Also creeds, which speak of Jesus, appeared as early
as five years after His crucifixion.
These non-biblical writings confirm most New Testament details about Jesus, including His crucifixion and resurrection.
Incredibly, more than 36,000 complete or partial
such writings have been discovered. Some from the first century. These non-biblical writings could reconstruct the entire New Testament except for a few verses.

Each of these authors writes of Jesus as a real person. Christ-mythers discard these accounts as biased. But, the question they must answer is:
"How could a mythical Jesus have so much written about Him within a few decades of His life?"
next post 26th August
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Roman Historians: Early Roman historians
wrote primarily of people and events important to their empire. Since Jesus wasn't of immediate importance to the political or military affairs of Rome, very little Roman history referenced Him. However, two important historians, Tacitus and Suetonius, do acknowledge Jesus as a real Person.
Tacitus (a.d. 55-120), the greatest early historian, wrote that Christus (Greek for Christ) had lived under the rule of Tiberius and suffered under Pontius Pilate, that Jesus' teachings had already spread to Rome; and that Christians were considered criminals and tortured in a variety of ways, including crucifixion.
Suetonius (a.d. 69-130) wrote of Chrestus as an intigator. Most scholars believe this is a reference to Christ. Suetonius also wrote of Christians having been persecuted by Nero in a.d. 64.
Roman Officials: Christians were considered enemies of Rome, because of their worship of Jesus as Lord rather than Caesar. The following Roman government officials, including two Caesars, wrote letters from their perspective, mentioning Jesus and early Christian origins.
Pliny the Younger was an imperial magistrate under Emperor Trajan. In a.d. 112, Pliny wrote to Trajan of his attempts to force Christians to renounce Christ, Whom they "worshiped as a god."
Emperor Trajan (a.d. 56 -117) wrote letters mentioning Jesus and early Christian origins.
Emperor Hadrian (a.d.76 - 136) wrote about Christians as followers of Jesus.
Pagan Sources: Several early pagan writers, briefly mention Jesus or Christians prior to the
end of the second century. These include Thallus, Phlegon, Mara Bar-Serapion and Lucian of Samsosate. Thallus' remarks about Jesus were written in a.d.52, about twenty years after Christ.
In total, nine early non-Christian secular writers
mention Jesus as a real Person, within 150 years of His death. Interestingly, that is the same number of secular writers who mention Tiberius Caesar, the Roman Emperor, during Jesus' time . If we were to consider Christian and non-Christian sources, there are forty-two who mention Jesus compared to just ten for Tiberius.
next post 25th August
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Early Non-Christian Accounts
Skeptics like Ellen Johnson cite the "lack of secular history," for Jesus, as evidence that He did not exist.
Yet there is very little documentation for any person from the time of Christ. Most ancient, historical documents have been destroyed through the centuries by wars, fires and pillaging, or simply through weathering and deterioration.
According to E.M. Blaiklock, who has catalogued most of the non-Christian writings of the Roman Empire, "practically nothing exists from the time of Christ," even for great secular leaders such as Julius Caesar, yet no historian questions Caesar's existence.
And since He wasn't a great political or military leader, Darrell Bock notes; "It is amazing and significant that Jesus shows up at all in the sources we have."
So, who are these sources Bock mentions? Which early historians who wrote of Jesus did not have a Christian agenda? First of all let us look to Jesus' enemies.
Jewish Historians: The Jews had the most to
gain by denying Jesus's existence. But they
always regarded Him as real. "Several Jewish writings refer to Him as a real person whom they opposed."
Noted Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, wrote of James, "the brother of Jesus, the so-called Christ."
If Jesus wasn't a real person why wouldn't Josephus have said so?
In another somewhat controversial passage, Josephus speaks more extensively of Jesus;
"At this time, there was a man called Jesus. His conduct was good and He was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and other nations became His disciples. Pilate condemned Him to be crucified, and He died. And those who had become His disciples did not abandon His discipleship. They reported that He had appeared to them three days after His crucifixion and that He was alive. Accordingly, He was thought to be the Messiah."
Although some of his words are in dispute, Josephus' confirmation here of Jesus' existence is widely accepted by scholars.
Israeli scholar, Shlomo Pines writes; "Even the most bitter opponents of Christianity never expressed any doubt that Jesus lived."
World historian, Will Durant, notes that no Jew or Gentile from the first century ever denied the existence Jesus.
Next post 24th August
(Copied from
The sands of time have buried many mysteries about Jesus, that have only recently been brought to light.
Perhaps the most significant discoveries are several ancient manuscripts unearthed between the 18th and 20th centuries. We will look closer at these manuscripts in a later section.
Archaeologists have also discovered numerous places and relics that agree with the New Testament accounts of Jesus. Malcolm Muggeridge was a British journalist who considered Jesus a myth until he saw such evidence during a BBC television assignment
to Israel.
After reporting on the very places written about in the New Testament account of Jesus, Muggeridge wrote; "A certainty seized me about Jesus' birth, ministry and Crucifixion .... I became aware that there had really been a man, Jesus ......"
However, prior to the 20th century, no tangible evidence existed for the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate and the Jewish chief priest, Joseph Caiaphas. Both men were central figures in the trial leading to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Skeptics cited this apparent lack of evidence as ammunition for their Christ-Myth theory.
However, in 1961 archaeologists discovered a block of limestone inscribed with the name of "Pontius Pilate, prefect of Judea." And in 1990, archaeologists discovered an ossuary (bone) box with the inscription of Caiaphas. It has been verified as authentic "beyond a reasonable doubt."
Also, until 2009, there was no tangible that Jesus' hometown of Nazareth existed during His lifetime. Skeptics like Rene Salm, regarded lack of evidence for first century Nazareth as a death-blow to Christianity. In the myth of Nazareth, Salm wrote in 2006; "Celebrate free-thinkers ..... Christianity as we know it, may be coming to an end!"
However, on December 21st, 2009 archaeologists announced the discovery of first century clay shards in Nazareth, confirming that this tiny hamlet existed during the time of Christ. (See was Jesus really from Nazareth?)
Although these archaeology finds do not prove that Jesus lived there, they do support the Gospel accounts of His life.
Historians note that mounting evidence from archaeology confirms, rather than contradicts,
the accounts of Jesus.
next post 22nd August
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Ancient History Speaks
Let us begin with a more foundational question. How can we distinguish a mythical character
from a real person? For example, what evidence convinces historians that Alexander the Great
was a real person? And, does such evidence
exist for Jesus?
Both, Alexander and Jesus were depicted as charismatic leaders. Both, reportedly had short careers, dying in their early thirties. Jesus was said to be a man or peace, who conquered by
love, Alexander a man of war who ruled by the sword.
In 336 B.C. Alexander the Great became King
of Macedonia. A military genius, this handsome, arrogant leader swept through villages, towns, and kingdoms of Greco-Persia, until he ruled it all. It is said that he cried when there were no more worlds to conquer.
The history of Alexander is drawn from five ancient sources, written 300 or more years
after he died. Not one eyewitness account of Alexander exists.
However, historians believe that Alexander
really existed, largely because the accounts of
his life are confirmed by archaeology and his impact on history.

Likewise, to determine if Jesus was a real person, we need to seek evidence in the following areas;
1. Archaeology
2. Early non-Christian accounts.
3. Early Christian accounts.
4. Early New Testament manuscripts5. Historical impact.
next post Tuesday 21st August
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Did Jesus Christ really exist, or is Christianity a legend, built upon a fictitious character like Harry Potter?
For nearly two thousand years, most of our world has considered Jesus a real man, Who had exceptional character, leadership and power over nature. But, today some are saying that He never existed.
The argument against Jesus' existence, known as the Christ-Myth theory, began seventeen centuries after Jesus is said to have walked the rocky hills of Judea.
Ellen Johnson, president of American Atheists, summarizes the Christ-myth view on CNN TV Larry King Live:
There is not one shred of secular evidence there ever was a Jesus Christ ... Jesus is a compilation from other gods ... who had the same origins, the same death as the mythological Jesus Christ."
The stunned host replied:
"So you don't believe there was a Jesus Christ?"
Johnson fired back, "There was not .. there is no secular evidence that Jesus Christ ever existed."
King immediately requested a commercial break. The international television audience was left wondering.
In his early years as an atheist Oxford literary scholar, C.S. Lewis also considered Jesus a myth, thinking all religions were simply inventions.
Years later, Lewis was sitting by a fire in a dorm room, with a friend he called "the hardest boiled atheists of all the atheists I ever knew." Suddenly his friend blurted out, "The evidence for the historicity of the gospels was really surprisingly good ...... it almost looks as if it had really happened once. "
Lewis was stunned. His friend's remark that there was real evidence for Jesus, prompted Lewis to
investigate the truth for himself. He writes about his search for truth in his classic book "Mere Christianity."
So, what evidence did Lewis' friend discover for Jesus Christ?
next post Monday 20th August
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Finger Prints of a Creator
Are scientists now convinced that a Creator has left His fingerprints on the universe?
Although many scientists are still bent on squeezing God out of the universe, many recognize the religious implications of these new discoveries. In his book, The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking, who does not believe in a personal God, attempts to explain why the universe does not need God. Yet, when faced with the evidence, even Hawking, has also admitted, "There must be religious overtones. But I think most scientists prefer to shy away from the religious side of it."
As an agnostic, Jastrow had no Christian agenda behind his conclusions. However, he freely acknowledges the compelling case for a Creator.
Jastrow writes of the shock and despair experienced by scientists who thought they had squeezed God out of their world.
For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak, as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a group of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.
A Personal Creator?
If there is a super intelligent Creator, the question arises, What is He like? Is He just some Force like in Star Wars, or is He a personal being like us?
Since we are personal and rational beings, wouldn't the One Who created us also be personal and rational?
Many scientists, like Arthur L. Schawlow, Professor of Physics at Stanford University, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, believe that these new discoveries provide compelling evidence for a personal God. He writes; "It seems to me when confronted with the marvels of life and the universe, one must ask why and not just how. The only possible answers are religious..... I find a need for God in the universe and in my own life." If God is personal and since He has given us the ability to communicate wouldn't, we expect Him to communicate with us and let us know why we are here?
As we have seen, science is unable to answer questions about God, and the purpose for life. However, since the Bible was right about creation from nothing, might it also be trustworthy regarding God, Life and Purpose?
Two thousand years ago a Man set foot on our planet, Who claimed to have the answer to life. Although His time on earth was brief, His impact changed the world and is still felt today. His Name is Jesus Christ.
The eyewitnesses to Jesus Christ tell us that He continually demonstrated creative power over nature's laws. They tell us that He was wise, humble and compassionate. He healed the lame, deaf and blind. He stopped raging storms instantly, created food for the hungry on the spot, turned water into wine at a wedding, and even raised the dead. And they claimed that after His brutal execution He rose from the dead.
They also tell us that Jesus Christ is the One Who flung the stars into space, fine tuned our universe and created DNA. Could He be the One Who Einstein unknowingly referred to as the "Super intelligence" behind the universe? Could Jesus Christ be the One Whom Hoyle unknowingly referred to as having "monkeyed with physics, chemistry and biology?"
Has the mystery of Who was behind the big bang, and the intelligence of DNA in the following account from the New Testament?
Now Christ is the visible expression of the invisible God. He existed before creation began, for it was through Him that everything was made, whether spiritual or material, seen or unseen. Through Him, and for Him, also, were created power and dominion, ownership and authority. In fact, every single thing was created
through and for Him .... Life from nothing began through Him, and life from the dead began through Him, and He is, therefore, justly, called the Lord of All.
Jesus spoke with authority about God's love for us, and the reason He created us. He said, He has a plan for our lives, and that plan centers on a relationship with Himself. But, for that relationship to be possible, Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins. And it was necessary for Him to rise from the dead so that we too could have life after death.
If Jesus was the Creator, He certainly would have the power over life and death. And those closest to Him claimed that they saw Him alive after He died and was buried for three days.
Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead?
The apostle Paul tells us that life from the dead began through Jesus Christ. The eyewitnesses to Jesus Christ actually spoke and acted like they believed He physically rose from the dead after His crucifixion. If they
were wrong then Christianity has been founded upon a lie. But, if they were right, such a miracle would substantiate all that Jesus said about God, Himself and us.
But must we take the resurrection of Jesus Christ by faith alone, or is there solid historical evidence? Several skeptics began investigations into the historical record to prove the resurrection false. What did they discover?
(see Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead - already posted a while ago.)
next post 19th August
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DNA: The Language Of Life
Astronomy is not the only area where science has seen evidence for design. Molecular biologists have discovered intricately complex .design in the microscopic world of DNA . In the past century scientists learned that a tiny molecule called DNA
is the "brains" behind each cell in our bodies as well as every other living thing. Yet the more they discover about DNA the more they are amazed at the brilliance behind it.
Scientists who believe that the material world is all that exists (materialists), like Richard Dawkins, argue that DNA evolved by natural selection without a Creator. Yet even most ardent evolutionists admit that the origin of DNA'sintricate complexity is unexplainable.
DNA's intricate complexity caused its co-discoverer, Francis Crick, to believe that it could never have originated on earth naturally. Crick, an evolutionist, who believed life is too complex to have originated on earth and must have come from outer space, wrote:
"An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to almost be a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to be satisfied to get it going."
The coding behind DNA reveals such intelligence that it staggers the imagination. A mere pinhead of DNA contains information equivalent to a stack of paperback books that would encircle the earth 5,000 times. And DNA operates like a language with its own extremely complex software code. Microsoft Founder, Bill Gates says that the software of DNA is "far, far more complex than any software we have ever developed."
Dawkins and other materialists believe that all this complexity originated through natural selection. Yet, as Crick remarked, natural selection could never have produced the first molecule. Many scientists believe that the coding within the DNA molecule points to an intelligence far exceeding what could have occurred by natural causes .
In the early 21st century, leading atheist, Antony Flew's atheism came to an abrupt end when he studied the intelligence behind DNA. Flew explains what changed his opinion:
What I think the DNA material has done is to show that intelligence must have been involved
in getting these extraordinarily diverse elements together. The enormous complexity by
which the results were achieved look to me like
the work of intelligence...... it now seems to me
that the finding of more than fifty years of DNA
research have provided materials for a new and
enormously powerful argument to design.

Although Flew was not a Christian, he admitted that the software behind DNA
is far too complex to have originated without a "designer." The discovery of the incredible intelligence behind DNA has, in this former leading atheist's words "provided materials for a new and enormously powerful argument to design."
next post 18th August
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this post was inadvertently not posted yesterday, part five took its place.
Finely -Tuned For Life.
Physicists calculated that for life to exist, gravity and other forces of nature needed to be just right or our universe could not exist. Had the expansion rate been slightly weaker, gravity would have pulled all matter back into a "big crunch."
We are not talking about a mere one or two per cent reduction, in the universe's expansion rate.
Stephen Hawking writes:
"If the rate of expansion one second after the big bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred thousand, million, million, the universe would have re-collapsed before it ever reached its present size."
On the flip side, if the expansion rate had been a mere fraction greater than it was, galaxies, star and planets could never have formed, and we wouldn't be here.
And for life to exist, the conditions in our solar system and planet also need to be just right. For example, we realize that without an atmosphere of oxygen, none of us would be able to breathe. And without oxygen, water couldn't exist.
Without water, there would be no rainfall for our crops. Other elements such as, hydrogen, nitrogen, sodium, carbon, calcium, and phosphorus are also essential for life.
But, that alone is not all that is needed for life to exist. The size, temperature, relative proximity, and chemical make-up of our planet, sun and moon also need to be just right. And there are dozens of other conditions that needed to be exquisitely fine-tuned, or we wouldn't be here, to think about it.
Scientists who believe in God may have expected such fine-tuning but atheists and agnostics were unable to explain the remarkable "coincidences."
Theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking, an agnostic, writes: "The remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers seem to have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development of life."
next post 17th August
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Accident or Miracle?
But couldn't this fine-tuning be attributed to chance? After all, odds-makers know that even long shots can eventually win at the race track. And against heavy odds lotteries are eventually won by someone. So, what are the odds of human life existing by chance from a random explosion in cosmic history?
For human life to be possible from a big bang defies the laws of probability. One astronomer calculates the odds at less than one trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion. It would be easier for a blind-folded person - in one try - to discover one specially marked grain of sand out of all the beaches of the world.
Another example of how unlikely it would be for a random big bang to produce life is one person winning over a thousand consecutive mega-million dollar lotteries, after purchasing only a single ticket for each.
What would be your reaction to such news? Impossible - unless it was fixed by someone behind the scenes, which is what everyone would think. And that is what many scientists are concluding - Someone behind the scenes designed and created the universe.
This new understanding of how miraculous human life is in our universe, led the agnostic astronomer, George Greenstein, to ask : "Is it possible that suddenly, without intending to, we have stumbled upon the scientific proof of the existence of a Supreme Being? "
However, as an agnostic, Greenstein maintains his faith in science, rather than a Creator, to ultimately explain our origins.
Jastrow explains why some scientists are reluctant to accept a transcendent Creator:
There is a kind of religion in science; it is the
religion of the person who believes there is
order and harmony in the universe.... this religious faith of the scientist is violated by the
discovery that the world had a beginning under
conditions which the known laws of physics are
not valid, and as a product of forces or
circumstances we cannot discover. When that
happens the scientist has lost control. If he
really examined the implications, he would be
It is understandable why scientists like Greenstein and Hawking seek other
explanations rather than attribute our finely
tuned universe to a Creator. Hawking
speculates that other unseen (and unprovable)
universes may exist, increasing the odds that
one of them (ours) is perfectly fine tuned for life. However, since his proposal is speculative,
and outside of verification, it can hardly be
called "scientific." Although he also is an
agnostic, British astrophysicist Paul Davies,
dismisses Hawking's idea as too speculative.
He writes: "Such a belief must rest on faith rather than observation.
Although Hawking continues leading the charge to explore purely scientific explanations for our origins, other scientists, including many agnostics, have acknowledged that what appears to be overwhelming evidence for a Creator. Hoyle wrote;
"A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a super intellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as chemistry and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature."
Although Einstein was not religious, and did not believe in a personal God, he called the genius behind the universe "an intelligence of such superiority, that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection."
Atheist Christopher Hitchens, who spent much of his life writing and debating against God, was most perplexed by the fact that life could't exist if things were different by just "one degree or one hair."
Davies acknowledges:
"There is for me, powerful evidence that there is something going on behind it all. It seems as if somebody has fine tuned nature's numbers to make the Universe .... The impression of design is overwhelming."
next post