(copied from
Finger Prints of a Creator
Are scientists now convinced that a Creator has left His fingerprints on the universe?
Although many scientists are still bent on squeezing God out of the universe, many recognize the religious implications of these new discoveries. In his book, The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking, who does not believe in a personal God, attempts to explain why the universe does not need God. Yet, when faced with the evidence, even Hawking, has also admitted, "There must be religious overtones. But I think most scientists prefer to shy away from the religious side of it."
As an agnostic, Jastrow had no Christian agenda behind his conclusions. However, he freely acknowledges the compelling case for a Creator.
Jastrow writes of the shock and despair experienced by scientists who thought they had squeezed God out of their world.
For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak, as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a group of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.
A Personal Creator?
If there is a super intelligent Creator, the question arises, What is He like? Is He just some Force like in Star Wars, or is He a personal being like us?
Since we are personal and rational beings, wouldn't the One Who created us also be personal and rational?
Many scientists, like Arthur L. Schawlow, Professor of Physics at Stanford University, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, believe that these new discoveries provide compelling evidence for a personal God. He writes; "It seems to me when confronted with the marvels of life and the universe, one must ask why and not just how. The only possible answers are religious..... I find a need for God in the universe and in my own life." If God is personal and since He has given us the ability to communicate wouldn't, we expect Him to communicate with us and let us know why we are here?
As we have seen, science is unable to answer questions about God, and the purpose for life. However, since the Bible was right about creation from nothing, might it also be trustworthy regarding God, Life and Purpose?
Two thousand years ago a Man set foot on our planet, Who claimed to have the answer to life. Although His time on earth was brief, His impact changed the world and is still felt today. His Name is Jesus Christ.
The eyewitnesses to Jesus Christ tell us that He continually demonstrated creative power over nature's laws. They tell us that He was wise, humble and compassionate. He healed the lame, deaf and blind. He stopped raging storms instantly, created food for the hungry on the spot, turned water into wine at a wedding, and even raised the dead. And they claimed that after His brutal execution He rose from the dead.
They also tell us that Jesus Christ is the One Who flung the stars into space, fine tuned our universe and created DNA. Could He be the One Who Einstein unknowingly referred to as the "Super intelligence" behind the universe? Could Jesus Christ be the One Whom Hoyle unknowingly referred to as having "monkeyed with physics, chemistry and biology?"
Has the mystery of Who was behind the big bang, and the intelligence of DNA in the following account from the New Testament?
Now Christ is the visible expression of the invisible God. He existed before creation began, for it was through Him that everything was made, whether spiritual or material, seen or unseen. Through Him, and for Him, also, were created power and dominion, ownership and authority. In fact, every single thing was created
through and for Him .... Life from nothing began through Him, and life from the dead began through Him, and He is, therefore, justly, called the Lord of All.
Jesus spoke with authority about God's love for us, and the reason He created us. He said, He has a plan for our lives, and that plan centers on a relationship with Himself. But, for that relationship to be possible, Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins. And it was necessary for Him to rise from the dead so that we too could have life after death.
If Jesus was the Creator, He certainly would have the power over life and death. And those closest to Him claimed that they saw Him alive after He died and was buried for three days.
Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead?
The apostle Paul tells us that life from the dead began through Jesus Christ. The eyewitnesses to Jesus Christ actually spoke and acted like they believed He physically rose from the dead after His crucifixion. If they

But must we take the resurrection of Jesus Christ by faith alone, or is there solid historical evidence? Several skeptics began investigations into the historical record to prove the resurrection false. What did they discover?
(see Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead - already posted a while ago.)
next post 19th August
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