PART 110
(copied from Mark Cahill's Book)
Dear God,
I have sinned against Your
commandments, despite the conscience You gave me. I have looked with lust and therefore committed adultery in my heart, I have lied, stolen, failed to love You, failed to love my neighbor as myself and failed to keep the Sabbath holy.
I have been covetous, and I have harbored hatred in my heart, making me guilty of murder in Your sight. I have used Your Holy Name in vain, have made a god to suit myself and because of the nature of my sin, I have dishonored my parents.
If I stood before You in Your burning holiness on judgment day, if every secret sin I have committed and every idle word I have spoken, came out as evidence of my crimes against You, I would be
utterly guilty, and justly deserve hell.
I am unspeakably thankful that Jesus took my place by suffering and dying on the cross. He
was bruised for my iniquities, He paid my fine so
that I could leave the courtroom. He revealed how much you love me. I believe that He then rose from the dead , according to the Scriptures.
I now confess and forsake my sin, and yield myself to Jesus to be my Lord and Savior. I will no longer live for myself. I present my body, my soul and my spirit to you as a living sacrifice, to serve You in the furtherance of Your Kingdom. I will read Your Word daily, and obey what I read. It is solely because of Calvary's cross that I will live forever.
I am, eternally Yours, In Jesus' Name I pray.
Jesus tells us:
"No man can serve
two masters, for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or
otherwise he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon." (Matthew 6:24)
None of us can serve two masters. Whom will you
choose to serve for the rest of this life and all of eternity? If you answer "Myself," you have given the same answer to that question as Satan did, so you will really be aligned with him, in this life and the next.
"And if it seem evil to you to serve the Lord,
choose you this day whom you will serve, whether the gods whom your fathers served, that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell: But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
(Joshua 24:15)
Whom will you serve? In reality you are serving someone right now. The ice is very thick and now you must make a decision. You are sitting on that snowmobile with the ramp ahead. Are you ready to turn on the ignition, take that ride, and make that jump into eternal salvation? If so, then from the deepest part of your soul, pray one of those two preceding prayers right now, depending on which of the two commitments you want to make.

Charles Spurgeon said:
"Will you do me a favor? ...... Will you take a little time alone this evening, and after you have weighed you own condition before the Lord, write down one of two words? If you feel that you are not a believer, write down Condemned. And if you are a believer in Jesus and put your trust in Him alone, write down Forgiven.
Do it even if you have to write down the word
Condemned. We received into Church fellowship, a young man who said, "Sir, I wrote down the word Condemned, and I looked at it. There it was, I had written it myself, Condemned." As he looked the tears began to flow and the heart began to break. And before long he fled to Christ, put the paper in the fire and wrote down Forgiven.
This young man was about the sixth who had been brought to the Lord in the same way. So I ask you to try it. Remember, you are either one or the other - condemned or forgiven. Do not stand between the two. Let it be decided. And remember, if you are condemned today but are not in hell, there is still hope."
Please let me know what decision you made.
You can e-mail me at : Mydecision@markcahill.org
My hope and prayer is that you will choose to serve the God of this universe with every fiber of your being . I earnestly hope to see you in heaven one day.
next post 16th April
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