(copied from
Great Religious Leader ?
Strangely, Jesus never claimed to be a religious leader. He never got into politics, or pushed an ambitions agenda, and He ministered almost entirely outside the established religious framework.
When one compares Jesus with the other religious leaders, a remarkable distinction arises. Ravi Zacharias has studied world religions and observed a fundamental distinction between Jesus Christ and the founders of other major religious leaders. All religions provide instruction for a way of living. But it is only Jesus Who offers deliverance, forgiveness for sin and transformation. " Jesus did not only expound His message, He was identical with His message."
The truth of Zacharias' point is underscored by the number of times in the gospels that Jesus teaching message was simply "Come to Me" or "Follow Me" or "Obey Me." Also Jesus made it clear that His primary mission was to forgive sins, something only God could do.

And that leads us to the question of what Jesus really did claim for Himself, specifically did Jesus claim to be God ?
next post tomorrow 28th July
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