fan off - rather cold now.
Last night ticker tape on TV
read "11 people killed by heatwave."
Lord we are taking everything day by day, and step by step - we see Your mighty power at work - Your protective shield surrounds us, and You are providing for all our needs.
Thank You, dear heavenly Father, I love You so much. I am so grateful that You came my way. I am so happy that You are in control of my life. You are my hope. Where would I be without You?
What would I do without You? My mind cannot even begin to comprehend life without You.
Just my failure to trust You when I have not "put on the full armour of God" gives me a glimpse of how terrifying life is without You. I praise You Lord, I worship You. You alone are my God.
Thank You for Your precious Son
Thank You for Your Holy Spirit.
It is through Them that we are able to come into Your presence, to partake of Your love and Your goodness and Your favour.
Blessed be Your Name heavenly Father
Blessed be Your Name Lord Jesus
Blessed be Your Name Holy Spirit
I want to be close to You, I want to be aware of Your presence every waking moment.
11th January - Saw I had a missed call from Marieta yesterday (seems she has changed her cell number ). Probably the reason I could never contact her.
Feeling peaceful. Waiting on the Lord, (my provider). I thank Him for giving me another day.
I thank Him for a roof over my head. I thank Him for a comfortable bed. I thank Him for food and drink. I thank Him for my precious family - I thank Him especially for Ruth who even helps me with my ablutions. I thank Him for our lovely dogs - each one has a special place in my heart. I thank Him for Rose, our domestic.
Andy paid R2,000 into Ruth's banking account today. I thank and praise my heavenly Father for His favour. He is taking care of us step by step.
Got started on my blog today. Managed to do two posts but they are still on preview (it took a long time to get it to work but I managed it eventually) - I still need to change some colouring and also need to get some finer details right - am getting there slowly.
Haven't been feeling too well. I think I overdid everything since Friday - need to rest up for a while. Sitting at the laptop for too long is also very tiring and not good for my bad back.
12th January - Power went off at 5am. Had to use generator for power. Still not feeling too good. Ruth has gone to town. She is having gold earrings and silver chain evaluated and using money from Andy to purchase our weekly needs and also has to sign another form at the coin shop regarding the sale of our three one tenth gold coins. I went back to sleep.
Ruth back from town, she couldn't buy all we need as she had to use some money for the evaluations. Not to worry, nothing serious. Just pull in the belt a little tighter.
Earrings were valued @ R8000 we were very surprised as we were prepared and had a buyer to sell them for R1800 and the silver chain @ R3000
which we wanted to sell for R200 but did not have a buyer. We now have certificates of authenticity.
Worked on my blog and was progressing nicely - decided to change template colour to match the image and played around for a while. I had already completed three blog posts and thought it best to do this before continuing. Alas, alack, I lost more than half my toolbar, which makes it impossible to continue and also somehow all my posts got garbled. Fortunately, although garbled they are sitting safe and sound and have not completely disappeared. They are still under the wrong colour.
I am calling it a day. Will try again tomorrow.
13th January - Ryan's birthday tomorrow. Will ask him for help on my blog when I whatsapp him to wish him a happy birthday. Spent most of the day sleeping and resting, trying to recuperate.
Ruth is going to town on Friday 15th to sell my diamond ring. The shop where her jewellry was evaluated buy old gold and diamond jewellry . We now need the goods we couldn't buy yesterday.
Don't know how much we can expect , the diamond is only 0.025 carat, but after doing some research I estimate it is worth about R2500.
Still feeling pretty rotten.
Had a nice meal of fresh fried hake and steamed veggies - since Sunday we have lived on sandwiches and soups (not because we had nothing else but because of time and energy). I think that is why I am not feeling so well. I really need my daily vegetables in order to keep my strength up.
to be continued
Next post 3rd April