Worship the Lord with reverence
and rejoice with trembling,
for Thou O Lord are a shield to me,
my glory and the lifter of my head.
I cried unto the Lord, with my voice,
and He answered me from
His holy mountain.
In peace I will lie down and sleep,
for Thou alone O Lord doth
make me to dwell in safety.
At Thy holy mountain
I will bow in reverence to Thee.
Let all who take refuge in Thee
be glad, let them ever sing for joy,
and mayest Thou shelter them,
that all who love Thy name
may exult in Thee.
I will give thanks to the Lord,
according to His righteousness
I will sing praises to the name
of the Lord Most High.
O Lord, Our Lord, how majestic
is Thy name in all the earth.
Who hath displayed Thy splendour
above the heavens.
When I consider Thy heavens
and the work of Thy fingers,
the moon and the stars that Thou
hast ordained,
what is man that Thou dost
take thought of him,
and the son of man, that Thou
dost care for him. Yet Thou hast
made him a little lower than
the angels and crowned him with
glory and majesty.
Thou hast made him to rule over
the works of Thy hands.
Thou dost put all things under his feet.
All sheep and oxen and also the
beasts of the field, the birds of
the heaven, and the fish in the sea
and whatsoever passes through
the paths of the sea.
O Lord, Our Lord, how majestic
is Thy name in all the earth.
I will give thanks to the Lord
with all my heart
I will tell of all Thy wonders'
I will be glad and rejoice in Thee
I will sing praises to the
name of the Lord Most High.
The Lord abides forever.
He has established His throne
for judgement and He will judge
the earth in righteousness.
He will execute judgement for
the people with equity.
The Lord will also be a stronghold
for the oppressed, a stronghold
in the time of trouble, and all who know
Thy name will put their trust in Thee
for Thou O Lord, hast not forsaken
those who seek Thee.
To be continued..
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