sixty-six pages seeing that 2016 is a leap year.
I thought this was a good idea as I was just coming out of a horrific 2015 in which the Lord had shown me His mighty power, which unfortunately I had not recorded.
So now facing some more tough, and testing hard times I decided to write it all down in order to prove how great God is and that He does take care of His children.
I started writing on the first of January but only launched my blog on the first February.
I would have liked to have posted a page every day from day one : example; thirty-one days for January, but that was not to be. Also there were some days when I would write four pages and other days I would write absolutely none, depending on the circumstances.
So now after eight weeks I have eighty-six pages, some full, some with a few paragraphs and some completely empty.
I have decided therefore to post a blog a week consisting of four to five pages. The following is the first blog and covers January 1st to 4th and consists of 7 pages.

The year ahead looks bleak - yet at the same time full of promise - God is alive and well and He alone controls my future.
I have learned many lessons from Him over the past sixty-two years.
I remember with shame the days when I had no self-control, when life became too stressful I would lose my temper and become a screaming shrew. It took many years, but He has taught me patience and kindness in all circumstances. He has renewed my mind and made me more than a conqueror.
I remember the days when I was really ill and even the time when death was staring me in the face. I would put my trust in whatever doctor was around at the time "if only the doctor would come, everything would be alright and my pain would miraculously be gone. Foolish me, doctors are only human beings like me. They certainly don't have all the answers. He has taught me to look to Him for my health. He has renewed my mind and made me more than a conqueror.
I remember with shame how I would let jealousy embitter my soul. He has taught me to rejoice and be glad when others prosper and are blessed and to be content with my circumstances. He has renewed my mind and made me more than a conqueror.
I remember when I allowed hatred and vengeance to rule whenever someone intentionally or even unintentionally hurt me or my family. He has taught me to forgive and not only to forgive but also to pray for and love the offender. He has renewed my mind and made me more than a conqueror .
I remember the days when I would tell dirty jokes and speak evil of others. He has taught me to control my tongue. This does not mean that I never say anything wrong - what it does mean is that I do not deliberately use my tongue loosely.
He has renewed my mind and made me more than a conqueror.
There are many other lessons He has taught me and He is teaching me still. He is refining me and molding me into the person He wants me to be.
At this moment He is teaching me that my faith is still weak in the matter of finance. I always felt comfortable when I had a few rands in my wallet. Well that is all gone now. The rands and the comfort.
I am looking at a future where I am too old too look for employment. No one employs someone over the age of eighty. My daughter with whom I live is unable to work due to diagnosed illnesses - Fibromyalgia and Bi-Polar.
There are many opportunities to earn a living on the internet. , we are still in the process of setting them up, but are handicapped through lack of knowledge, finances and limited time. I believe that when we have come to the end of our human attempts that this is where God, our heavenly Father steps in and shows us His mighty power.
Our God lives. He will make a way where there seems to be no way. My trust is in Him. This is the lesson He is teaching us now. To trust in Him and not to look to the arm of flesh to save us.
He is renewing our minds and He will make us more than conquerors. Hallelujah! Praise His Name! Our God lives! Glory to God forever and ever!.
What am I grateful for today ?
I am grateful to God for the fact that He is still renewing my mind.
God is in control. Nothing can happen to me that isn't in His plan for my life. I may not see the road ahead because of all the curves, but this I know, He goes before me, the dangers must meet Him first before they can touch me, and because of His awesome power no harm can come to me. He will bring me through, though the waters be cold and deep, He promises to bring me through.
"when you pass through the waters they shall not overflow you." Isaiah 43:2
On His unchanging Word I stand and trust till I can understand. He alone is my Protector, my Provider, my All in All. I will not fear because His Word says "Dot not fear'' 365 times. That is once every day for one full year.
This was my weakness. fear, anxiety, and hopelessness. My Lord is teaching me to overcome this weakness.
"And finally, my brethren be strong in the Lord and the power of His might, put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." Eph: 6: 10-18
I am grateful that God is in control.
Five o'clock in the morning. I need the full armour of God. I look it up on google.
"Put on the full armour of God so that when the evil day comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then with the belt of Truth
buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God." Eph: 6: 13-18
It is the shield of faith that I need now - I need to work on this. As I said before, God has taught me many things and made me more than a conqueror. The thing I am still struggling with is faith where finance is concerned. As long as I have a few rands in the bank I feel at ease. The shield of faith makes Satan's sowing of doubt about the faithfulness of God ineffective.
Our faith - of which Jesus Christ is the "Author and Perfecter" - is like a golden shield, precious, solid and substantial.
Whenever the enemy tries to sow seeds of doubt, I will hold up the shield of faith, put on the helmet of salvation, take up the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God and he must retreat.
I will saturate my mind with Scriptures like:
"The Lord is my light and my salvation whom/what shall I fear. The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid. "
Psalm 27:1
"The Lord shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
Phil: 4-19
"Fear not for I am with you, even to the end of the world." Isaiah: 41 : 10
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean no on your own understanding."
Proverbs 3:5
"Even though the fig trees have all been destroyed and there is no blossom left nor fruit, and if the olive crops all fail and all the fields lie barren, and even though the flocks die in the field and the cattle barns are empty, yet will I trust in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation for He will will give me the speed of a deer and bring me safely over the mountains."
Hab: 3: 17-19
I am grateful for the full armour of God.
Well the New year has hardly begun and already I am being taught new truths about myself. All this without a word being said. I have suddenly become aware that I am more of a hindrance than a blessing. My hearing is deteriorating quite rapidly now. I am slow and becoming more feeble. I have to have help in performing ablutions, I walk with a walker, even short distances.
The strain of the past year as certainly taken its toll and accelerated my declining health, and is also taking its toll on others. I remember the stress and strain I endured while caring for my own mother in her declining years. It certainly is no easy road to travel.
Because of my hearing problem, I can no longer communicate with long distance family and have lost that source of comfort and encouragement. My hearing is so bad that it brings more confusion into an already confused situation, so everyone avoids the use of the cell phone.
That said - God is in control - I believe that He still has a purpose for my life or I would no longer be here.
I am grateful to God that He is still using me in His service.
to be continued
I will post the next blog by 19th March
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