God is entirely distinct from the universe. The universe is just another one of God's many creations.
Although, like all the others, it is a
masterpiece, it never was, nor is, nor ever will be God.
God created it, how then can it be God?
"Thus saith the Lord, 'the heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool; where is the house that you have built unto Me? Where is the place of My rest? For all of these things My hands have made.' "
Isaiah 66:1-2
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
"God Who made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth and dwelleth not in temples made with hands."
Acts 17: 24
Transcend means to exist above and independent from ; to rise above; surpass; succeed.
English dictionary ; Rising above, going further, triumphing over, being more, or extending beyond conventional limits.
From this definition, God is the Only Truly Transcendent Being. He made all things in the heavens and the earth and beneath the earth, yet He exists above and independent from them. All things are upheld by His mighty power. Yet He is upheld by Himself alone. The whole universe exists for Him and in Him.
When we use these terms in connection with God, we are acknowledging that He is completely beyond what we can imagine, understand or comprehend.

" My thoughts are not your thoughts nor are My ways your ways. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than yours."
Isaiah 55: 8-9
God interacts with His people by making binding covenants with them. He demonstrates His love, faithfulness, justice and integrity, by constantly upholding His covenants. We all know the pain of broken promises - We don't have to worry about that with God - His promises are set in stone.
The mind of the smartest genius who ever lived on this planet pales in comparison with the mind of God - man launches rockets! Invents technology, airplanes and such - but we cannot manufacture a single seed, or create life, or something as vast as a mountain range or an ocean. Nor would we have the discretion to restrain such power when necessary. God has done all of this and more.
"Who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His councelor?"
Isaiah 40:13
"For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength."
1st Corinthians 25
"The wisdom granted to us as believers is not of this world, or this age, it is the timeless wisdom of an Eternal Being."
1st Corinthians 2: 6-8
God's power is incomprehensible even to us who believe because it was this same power that raised Jesus from the dead, thereby defeating death itself.
Our God is so powerful that He holds the waters of the sea in His hand, He weighs the mountains of the earth in His scale,

Jesus said to them
with people it is
impossible, but not with God; for all
things are possible
with God."
Mark 10:27 and
Matthew 19:26
"Were He to snatch away, who could restrain Him?
Who could say to Him, 'what are You
doing? ' "
Job 9:12
"I saw God moving across the dessert, His brilliant splendour fills the earth and sky. His glory fills the heavens and earth is full of His praise. What a wonderful God He is, from His hands flash rays of brilliant light, He rejoices at His awesome power, pestilence marches before Him and plague follows close behind. He stops. He stands still for a moment, gazing at the earth, then He stuns the nations, scattering the everlasting mountains and levelling the hills. His awesome power is just the same as always."
Habakuk 3: 17-19
We cannot ever hope to understand or fully comprehend our Mighty God. Ultimately when we fully grasp God's transcendency we bow in reverent fear and awe and worship.
He is so far beyond us that we cannot bring Him down to our level. Instead we bow and exalt Him. It staggers our minds that this Awesome Being could love us and yet He does. I will praise and worship Him forever.
next post 7th September