trust you are all well. It is now 26th May, Jeff's birthday. Must remember to phone him.
I have been practicing my typing again, but I am not winning. It is so very cold, and we do not have any heaters. I am fine while in bed as I have an electric blanket. I also have Ruth's hot water bottle, but it is difficult to type while juggling a hot water bottle between your feet and your lap.
I have also been doing some research on "google"
re lung function as this appears to be what my Doctor is wanting to improve and thus the very expensive script. It includes ventilators and such. Some of the medication is for treating my Atrial Fibrillation but seems the meds side effects are as bad as the actual disease.
Suggested to Ruth to scrap the script. I am not willing to let Steve pay R2000 per month for medication that carries such high risk of side effects. She does not agree with me. She says the doctor is trying to make me more comfortable. I cannot see how I can be more comfortable when I know about the risks involved.
Danny is going to see the doctor tomorrow. He is battling with his asthma. Changes in season are the cause, but it must be pretty bad for him to actually go and see a doctor. He normally knows how to manage it.
27th May
Danny saw doctor today at 5.30pm. Phlemn sample sent for tests. Will have results tomorrow. Sounds serious.
28th May
Results from Laboratory - Danny has traces of napthalene in his phlemn.
Apparently Thea put mothballs in cupboards, amongst the clothing, on top of cupboards, under cupboards.
I did research on nephtalene, it is deadly, take my advice and stay away from mothballs. Apparently kills off your red blood cells. He and Thea could both have died if his asthma had not alerted them. They were breathing it in since the beginning of May.
Thea is now washing cupboards, clothing etc. Danny told by doctor to have physio once a day for a week but as it costs R500 to R700 per session and he is not on a medical aid, it is beyond his reach. He is using the nebulizer, three times a day instead.

8th June, Danny's lungs still not good but slowly getting better.
16th June - Danny's Birthday.. I don,t seem to be doing too well with this blog - I skip days at a time without even realizing it. That is what happens when you do not write it daily. The days fly past and you forget what happened.
Will try to do better in future.
Praying for Danny's healing of his lungs.
next post 4th September
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