(Copied from Mark Cahill's Book "One heartbeat
Billions of years ago a dark substance began to evolve from nothing and it came from nowhere. There was a big bang. We don't know what caused the big bang or why, but it happened.
As millions of years passed this substance developed a "fizz" to it and it became sweet. Millions of years later some aluminium molecules formed from nothing, gathered together and wrapped themselves around this liquid, in the perfect shape of a cylinder.
The aluminium then formed a pop top on the cylinder. Forty or fifty years ago some red and white molecules fell onto the can forming the words "Coco-Cola" an expiry date and a complete list of ingredients. Now isn't that amazing?
It would be an insult to your intellect if I insisted that the above scenario was true. The universe is infinitely more complex than a can of coke, yet people are content to believe that it just came out of nowhere - that something came from nothing.
But if a can of coke and it's contents couldn't happen from random chance processes, how could something as orderly and intricately designed as our universe been assembled by mere chance? Logically we know that is impossible.

Genesis: 1: 1-2
Many people believe there is no God, because they think that science has all the answers. But does science alone explain this incredibly beautiful and complex universe in which we live. Doesn't its magnificence make you wonder?
How does the sun provide just the right amount of energy to light and heat our planet? What makes everything in our orderly world work so well together?
How is it that we can predict the exact day of the full moon or an eclipse of the sun? Or to determine when to expect a thunderstorm? Where does lightning come from or a brilliant rainbow? We marvel at the beauty of sunsets, mountains, beaches, cloud formations, animals, plants and flowers.
Every time we look at something man-made , a house or mansion for example, we know it had a builder, someone who assembled it. When we see something that has a design, like a watch, we know that it had to have a designer. When we see a painting we know there was an artist who painted it. When we see order, like 20 coke bottles lined up in a row we know there had to be an "orderer" who set them up that way.
When we look at the universe, what do we see? We see Creation, Design, Art, and Order. So if everything man-made has a creator, designer, artist, orderer behind it - why do we not think there is a Creator, Designer, Artist and Orderer
behind the Universe?
Next post 25th April.
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