The Bible
In my previous post I mentioned that there are people who say that the Bible is just a book written by a bunch of clever Jews .
What do you believe ?
Let us take a closer look. Did God create man to just flounder around on this earth without getting to know Him? I don't think so.
How would we get to know Him if He did not provide us with a manual giving us directions?
Also how do we know we are following the right manual? ( There are many manuals out there. Only one of them can be right). It is certainly not wise to follow the wrong one.
So, how do we find the right one? In order to determine the validity of each option we would have to apply some kind of test to see which one is true.
What basic test can we apply to a text in order to determine whether it is true.? Once we have found the right one there is no need to look at the others. Remember only one can be right. Also remember it doesn't matter what we believe, it matters what is true.
So be careful that you search for what is true, not just for something you already believe. Make sure that you have evidence to prove that you are taking a calculated leap of faith into eternity, not a blind leap.
The Bible was written by over 40 writers over a span of 60 generations, approximately 1,600 years. These writers were from a variety of backgrounds, Kings, statesmen, fishermen, priests, scholars, etc. They wrote on different continents and in three different languages. It was written in the most complex way imaginable yet it fits together so perfectly.
There is no other manual that can compare.
It is the best selling book of all time. Only the Bible claims to be written by God speaking to men. Over 3000 times the Bible says "Thus sayeth the Lord."
No other book ever written says something like that, so many times.
In no way, shape or form does the Bible claim human authorship.
Historical evidence supports the Bible.
Archaeological evidence supports the Bible.
Scientific evidence supports the Bible.
Fulfilled prophecy supports the Bible.
( Jesus Christ fulfilled over 300 of those prophecies during His lifetime here on earth).
The Creator of the universe knows how His creation operates and He has given us evidence of that fact throughout the Bible.
We know that God can't err and now that we know that the Bible is the Word of God we know that it can't err either.
The Bible tells us all we need to know in order to choose where we will spend eternity. In fact we might say BIBLE is a great acronym for "Basic Information before leaving earth."
It doesn't matter who you are - we will all be leaving earth some day. If you have the right information about eternity and do the right thing with it , you will end up at the right destination. But if you have the wrong information or do the wrong thing with the right information, you will end up at the wrong destination.
It is as simple as that.
next post 13th June
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