(copied from Mark Cahill's Book
One Heartbeat away)
The Missing Link
And that leads us to the pinnacle of transitional forms - the missing link between ape and man.
If humans evolved from apes the fossil record should reveal a multitude of transitional forms. And because humans are said to have evolved relatively recently, the fossils would have had less time to decay and should therefore be plentiful.
So what have scientists found ? Nebraska Man, Piltdown man, Java Man, Peking Man, Neanderthal Man, and Lucy are all supposed to be "missing links." But did you know that every single one of these has been disproved scientifically? Yet they were all included in my school books, and though scientifically disproved - many can be seen in text books today!
Let's take a look at the evidence.
Nebraska Man was created from a single tooth discovered in Nebraska. Based on only one tooth (and a lot of imagination) Nebraska man was sketched complete with a skull, skeleton, tools, and even a family. The only problem was that Nebraska man was found to have come from an extinct pig!
Piltdown Man has been to have been a deliberate hoax. The skull fragment actually came from a modern human, and the jawbone portion and two teeth were from an orangutan. The teeth had been filed down to make them look human, and the bones and teeth had been stained to give them the appearance of being ancient. The entire "discovery" was forged from the outset to fool people who would not search for the truth.

from widely scattered
bones - a skull-cap and femur
found far apart in a gravel
deposit. They were actually
unrelated parts of a human
being and a giant gibbon.
Peking Man was based on
monkey-like skulls that were bashed in at the back. Because they were found with various animal bones and tools, it was assumed that these "tool using apes" were man's ancestors. Instead, it was discovered that these animals were man's meal and the tools were used on them rather than by them.
Neanderthal Man was determined to be completely human - just plain, modern people with a well-developed culture, art and religion, but who suffered from dietary deficiencies.
Lucy could not be a "missing link" because it has been determined man walked upright before the time of Lucy.
The "missing link" is still missing - and will forever remain missing because the rule holds for humans as well as for all other life forms. There are no transitional forms. Everything appears in the fossil record suddenly and perfectly formed.
Again, while there is plenty of evidence for microevolution (adaptation within a species) , macroevolution - the supposed development of one species into another - has no evidence to support it. None. Scientists have found no transitional fossils and no missing links.
(In the next post we will look at what the experts
say as well as the Law of probability.)
next post 7th August
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