Hello Folks,
Thursday 8th June - Bi-polar is back. Fortunately it doesn't last long and I get a whatsapp message apologizing.
Friday 9th June - Fires in the Cape are raging out of control. Everyone is praying for rain to put them out. There is a water shortage there as well. I sometimes think we are already in the great tribulation. So many terrible things are happening all over the world.
Saturday 10th June I accidently wipe out all the data and photos from my gallery app on my tablet while trying to create extra space as the storage is almost full. The "screenshots" alone were in the region of 500. I am really dismayed. I try to recoup them from "dumpster" with no luck.
Monday 12th June - the day I will never forget. I am only writing this on the 13th June at 10.40pm - the pain and agony have been so great that I was unable to record anything until now. And even now I have to force myself to do it or too much information will be lost.
I was sitting at my computer around 9am on the 12th plodding away when Charmaine passed me my cell phone which I had not heard beeping. By this time it had stopped, so I put it on the desk next to me. And immediately it started beeping again.
To cut a long story short

gentleman on the otherend of the line wanted to speak to Ruth.
Because of her illness she sleeps late - she gets up in the morning at 6am, makes tea for us and unlocks the door for Charmaine who arrives at 7am. She then closes her bedroom door and goes back to sleep and I never disturb her. So now I needed to make sure who wanted to speak to her and why before I woke her up.
When I heard that it was Thea's father I was filled with dread, I knew something awful had happened and I needed to wake her up. Thea is Danny's girlfriend and although they have been together for about 3 years we had never met her father or spoken to him on the phone.
Thea's father then told Ruth that Danny had had a very bad asthma attack (he has suffered from them from early childhood). This one was very bad and he needed urgent medical intervention and so he and Thea rushed to the nearest Pharmacist for help. He had to drive himself as Thea does not drive and he was struggling to breathe.
Danny made it to the pharmacy but then collapsed and died in the pharmacy.
My life had changed forever, my beloved youngest son was gone and life would never be the same without him. My pain and agony had begun. The shock was so great Ruth and I were both stunned.
Ruth then left for the pharmacy - I couldn't go with her because I can barely walk and going anywhere takes a great deal of previous and difficult preparation.
The whole time Ruth was gone I lay on my bed sobbing and speaking to God "in tongues." For those who do not know what "speaking in tongues"
is, it is my spirit speaking directly to God in an unknown language. When you have been baptized with the Holy Spirit (which happened to me way back in 1959 shortly after Danny was born), you receive this "gift" which allows your spirit to communicate with God in a much stronger and better way than using your intellect, because the Holy Spirit takes over and expresses your needs in a way that you, yourself are not able to. I then received the strength I needed to carry on.
Charmaine, our domestic, put her arms around me and did her best to comfort me. She also stayed with me until Ruth returned from town, which was way past her home time.
next post 27th August
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