(Copied from
Where Will Jesus Return ?
The Bible speaks of the Lord returning to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. Some may ask, "Why not in London, Los Angeles or Tokyo?"
But God chose Jerusalem as the place of His return. Although Jerusalem is tiny among such cities, it is of utmost importance to God. A brief history explains why.
Jerusalem was the place (originally called Moriah) where God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac. But God stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac instead, providing a ram for him to offer. In fact, God had never intended Isaac to be sacrificed, He was testing Abraham's faith, and giving us a symbolic picture of His Only Son being sacrificed, 2,000 years later, in Jerusalem, near that very spot.
Solomon built the first Jewish Temple over the same spot where Abraham sacrificed the ram, in place of Isaac. It is here that the Holy of Holies was located, the sacred room where God said His Presence dwelt.
Five hundred years before Christ, it was prophesied that the Jews would be the occupants of Jerusalem, when the Messiah arrives at the end times. However, when Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D. a million of its inhabitants were killed, and the rest fled for their lives. Jerusalem's long history as the central place of Jewish worship ceased to exist. Jews could only dream of its future restoration.
However, the Jews dreams that Jerusalem would one day be restored were based on God's promise, given through His prophet Ezekiel nearly 600 years before Christ. This prophecy speaks of the dispersion of the Jews to other nations, due to their disobedience. It then tells that in the last days, God will send them back to their land from other nations. God said through His prophet "For I will take you out of the nations. I will gather you from all the nations and bring you back into your own land.
For nearly 1900 years following its destruction by Roman armies, there was no nation of Israel, and Jerusalem was a "no man's land" under foreign occupation. Then in the latter part of the 19th century, Jews began populating Palestine. After the Holocaust imposed by Hitler's Nazis, Jews immigrated en masse to Israel.
On May 14th 1948, the Jew's 2,000 year old dream of the rebirth of Israel, became a reality, as a United Nations Charter granted them partial control of Jerusalem. However, within hours, five Arab armies along its borders vowed to destroy it.
Tensions between Israel and its neighbors became explosive.
In 1967, Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian armies surrounded Israel. Newspaper headlines read: "Egypt vows to destroy Israel." Israel's army seemed to be hopelessly outnumbered. But a surprise attack by Israel devastated its enemies in just six days.

Israel's miraculous rebirth has set the stage for the coming of the Messiah, which requires the Jews to dwell in Jerusalem. Nearly six million Jews now live in the land God promised to Abraham. In one century Israel has exploded from virtual non-existence into a nation that dominates the worlds headlines.
next post 9th August
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