INGREDIENTS: 250gr dried sugar beans
1 can baked beans in tomato sauce
beef stock about 1 litre
1 large onion chopped
salt and pepper to taste
METHOD: Rinse the beans in a colander and place in a bowl. Cover with plenty of cold water as the beans will expand, and leave to stand overnight.
In the morning rinse the beans again and place in the slow cooker, add beef stock and chopped onion and leave to cook on high (do not add spices at this stage), for 6 to 7 hours - until the beans are nice and tender.
Add water if you don't want the soup to be too thick.
When beans are tender add can of baked beans in tomato sauce and salt and pepper to taste. The longer you cook the soup the nicer and thicker it becomes.

For a richer soup you can add a few marrow bones to the brew about an hour before serving.
next post 7th June