It is 28th February. Daniel and Thea are moving today.
Ruth did not go to church today she is not feeling up to it.
She cooked lunch which I normally do on a Sunday.
Late afternoon, I was in the kitchen and Ruth was just coming into the kitchen, when Vicky for some reason unknown to us attacked Benji.

Ruth tried to pull Vicky away by her collar in order to separate them and got badly bitten on the top of her right hand by Benji

Vicky when she was a puppy.
The small finger of her left hand was also injured, in a very strange way, it looked like a small bone protruding from the knuckle, but not through the flesh.
Rose sent message, she is not coming back yet as her child is very ill. Loveness is to continue in her place.
1st March Andy paid R2400 into our account. 2nd March Ruth went to doctor as she needs an antibiotic. She is not feeling well and hand is infected from the bite.
Steve paid R1200 into bank.
Ruth did shopping and paid R800 to doctor (2nd payment) We will pay balance owing of R620 at the end of the month. Kept R600 for weekly supplies for Wednesday 8th March.
Amanda and Andre from next door had a huge worship meeting, for the whole weekend. Amanda arranged a wheel chair for me, but I only used it on the Friday night as my gout was too bad the next day to go again. Ruth went though. It was very enjoyable.
Sunday 6th March - gout very painful - ate a banana at 6.50am and rubbed inside of the banana skin on the inflamed toe. Apparently it helps.
Monday 7th March Danny phoned has prospective buyer from ad in OLX for jewelry. 8th March - Ruth and Danny meet prospective buyer at Wimpie. Sold gold earings, my diamond ring and Ruth's silver chain for R6750 true value R1350. Rather disappointing.
9th March - Ruth not well, has sore throat and closed chest, she is living on Cepacol cough lozenges now - spent day resting and sleeping - she cancelled her doctor's appointment.
She went to prayer meeting at the church at 5.30pm came home at 7.30pm.
Power went off at approximately 9.30 pm, was off all night came back on at 7am next morning. Not very pleasant as the generator is not working, so you lie in bed in the dark, looking at a ceiling you cannot see.
10th March - Ruth still not well. We took Harry and Benji to doggy parlour - did some shopping and took generator to Danny so he could take it in for repairs. Came home, helped Ruth sort out and pack away purchases.
Power off again at 3.30pm.
5.45pm power still off.
Power on at 8.45pm.
11th March - Ruth very sick with flu.
Power off 5.30pm
14th March - got generator back today. Danny brought it and spent morning here with us.
Ruth choked on her lunch today - inhaled some rice - her chest is very bad from flu, and this choking just made it so much worse. She really choked badly and is still coughing a lot.
16th March - Ruth choked again today. She was eating a sandwich around 8pm and choked on it. It worries me because I suffer from the same thing and I know how close it brings you to death. It usually happens when you are excessively tired.
She often eats when she is half asleep and this does not bode well when you are prone to choking.
17th March - power off early hours of the morning - off all day.
Generator would not work, after a few hours, Ruth discovered that Danny had switched off the black button, whatever that means. Got generator working but soon ran out of petrol, so we were without power again all day.
Ruth has gone to the doctor, she is still not well
18th March , too many power failures off for as long as 12 hours at a time. Can't cook, can't read, can't charge batteries for cells etc, can't watch T.V.
Just lie in the dark and look at a ceiling you cannot see.
God is teaching us to be content. "Seek not to be rich, but happy. Riches lie in bags but happiness lies in contentment."
In Philipians 4: 11-12 Paul writes
"I have learned to be content with whatever I have. I know what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being well fed and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need."
What is he teaching us here. For as long as you know that God loves you with an unceasing love and are nurtured by family and friends you can be satisfied with whatever comes your way.
next post 5th June
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