I trust you are all

It is now late afternoon, Friday, 26th February. Whatsapped Daniel suggesting he come for lunch on Sunday and collect some of the vegetables, which are too much for us.
He said he would like to but he and Thea were moving on Sunday - I was shocked out of my socks. He had been telling me all month that he was battling to make the rent, I wasn't too concerned because the end of the month was still a way ahead, so I supported him with encouragement to hang in there as things would improve. Apparently he was trying to make Februarys rent while I thought he was trying to make Marchs rent.
They are moving from a two bedroomed house to a one room cottage in her father's yard. Doesn't sound so good but at least it is rent free.
He has had a bad few months - from December to March are bad months for his business. I am also concerned about his health as he has lost more than 10kgs over the past few months. He is just skin and bone.
Now I start worrying again, until I realize that worry isn't an option . Our Father God, had just brought Ruth and I through a critical period in our lives teaching us not to worry - His message to us daily was to "be calm and wait upon Him." Now just when I thought I had learned this lesson I am back to square one. I really feel ashamed of myself.
By the way did you know that worry is actually a sin - it is the same as telling God that you don't believe Him.
He has supplied us with enough money to see us through the months ahead (even though we are on a very tight budget) and He is still showering us with other blessings like money for diesel, groceries and vegetables and free haircuts.
Sue cut Ruth's hair and my hair on Sunday the 21st when she, Steve and Andy visited us and promised that whenever we need a haircut she will come and do it for us. Amanda who is a qualified hairdresser has also offered to cut our hair for free.
So now, hand all my problems over to my Heavenly Father and quit worrying.
Through all of my own problems I had never stopped praying for Daniel, but now as soon as my own crises is lifted I start worrying about Daniel. Worry is worry - it does not only apply to my own troubles but when I worry about someone else it remains worry.
I have made my decision, I refuse to worry. Whenever the enemy of my soul tries to win my mind I will put him in his place -
"Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world." 1st John 1: 5
Also, "This plan of Mine, is not what you would work out, neither are My thoughts the same as your thoughts, for just as the heavens are higher than the earth so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:8
I have to remind myself again and keep reminding myself that God is in control. I am not in control. Just as I have to learn to "be still and wait upon the Lord," in my own circumstances so I have also to learn to "be still and wait upon the Lord," in my loved ones circumstances.
There is no difference. I have now handed the problem over to my heavenly Father. I know that just as He is working in Ruth's life and my Life, He is also working in Daniel's life and everyone else's life who is on my prayer list.
All I need to do is "be calm and wait upon the Lord."
I will do just that!
next post 29th May
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