In Thee, O Lord have I taken refuge,
let me never be ashamed,
In Thy righteousness deliver me
incline Thine ear to me,
rescue me quickly.
Be Thou to me a rock of strength,
a stronghold to save me,
for Thou art my Rock and my Fortress
for Thy Name's sake Thou wilt lead
me and guide me.
Thou will pull me out of the net
which they have laid for me,
for Thou art my strength
into Thy hands I commit my spirit
Thou hast ransomed me, O Lord,
God of Truth.
I trust in the Lord, I will rejoice
and be glad in Thy loving kindness
Thou hast set my feet in a large place.
But as for me, I trust in Thee O Lord,
I say Thou art my God
My times are in Thy hands
Make Thy face to shine upon
Thy servant
Save me in Thy loving kindness
Let me not be put to shame
for I take refuge in Thee
How great is Thy goodness which
Thou hast stored up for those
who fear Thee
Which Thou hast wrought
for those who take refuge in Thee

Thou dost hide them in the secret place
of Thy presence.
from the conspiracies of man
Thou doest keep them secretly in a
shelter from the strife of tongues.
Blessed be the Lord, for He has made
marvelous His loving kindness to me
Thou didst hear the voice of my
supplication, when I cried to Thee.
next post 20th May
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