Vlooi got into the bath , for what reason is anyone's guess. I did manage to get her out eventually. She isn't a big dog , but she is rather fat and heavy, and the bath is not exactly easy to access.

fat Vlooi
21st March Generator has packed up again. We gave Daniel five hundred rand to redeem his generator from Cash Crusaders and have now "borrowed" his generator, which is a bigger one than ours and can support more appliances. No more power failures as yet.
Ruth choked again and also has a very sore throat.
She wanted to have a "serious chat" and I was shocked and amazed at the things she accused me of. Bi Polar rearing its ugly head. Very hurtful but I must realize that it is not her but the illness talking.
Loveness came to work today even though it is Human Rights day. She apparently didn't know it
was a public holiday.
21st March - I am very tired today, I have been doing research on BPD since yesterday and now understand the problem better.
I don't know how I am going to cope with this new development. Yes I do know!
"I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens Me."
Phillipians 4:13
NOTE: Next week I will do a post on Bi Polar Disorder as it is important to understand why people with this ailment act the way they do.
Ruth phoned Rose to find out when she is coming back. She said the 30th March.
Rose supposed to be back today, but no show. When Ruth phones she doesn't answer. We have now found out that she is working in Johannesburg.
We didn't train Loveness as she was only a temporary replacement for three weeks. It is now two months of inconvenience.
Sally also doesn't like her and has already nipped her at least three times. We have to keep her on a leash on the days when Loveness is here.
14th April - do not know why I did no writing for two weeks. Probably because I was too busy doing research.
Amanda cut my hair today and we had a nice long enjoyable visit from her. She is really comical and keeps you laughing, they say Laughter is the best medicine. Well she certainly made us feel a lot better.
next post 12th June
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