Thy Word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path
I have sworn and I will confirm it
That I will keep Thy righteous
I am exceedingly afflicted
Revive me O Lord, according to
Thy Word
O accept the freewill offerings
of my mouth O Lord
and teach me Thine ordinances
my life is continually in my hand
yet I do not forget Thy law
The wicked have laid a snare for me
Yet I have not gone astray from
Thy precepts
I have inherited Thy testimonies
For they are the joy of my heart
I have inclined my heart to perform
Thy statutes
Forever, even to the end.
I hate those who are double minded
But I love Thy law
Thou art my hiding place and my
I wait for Thy Word
Depart from me evil doers
That I may observe the
commandments of my God.
Sustain me according to Thy Word
that I may live;
And do not let me be ashamed
of my hope
Uphold me that I may be safe
That I may have regard for Thy
statutes continually
Thou has rejected all those
who wander from Thy statutes
For their deceitfulness is useless
Thou has removed all the wicked
of the earth like dross;
Therefore I love Thy testimonies
My flesh trembles for fear of Thee
And I am afraid of Thy judgments.
I have done justice and righteousness
Do not leave me to
my oppressors
Be surety for Thy servant for good
Do not let the arrogant
oppress me.
My eyes fail with longing for Thy salvation
And for Thy righteous Word
Deal with Thy servant
according to Thy loving kindness
And teach me Thy statutes
I am Thy servant
give me understanding
That I may know Thy testimonies
It is time for the Lord to act
For they have broken Thy law
Therefore I love Thy commandments
Above gold, yes above fine gold
Therefore I esteem right all Thy
precepts concerning everything
I hate every false way.
next post 10th November
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