(Mark Cahill's Book)
Seventh Commandment
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
(Exodus 20:14)
Most of us think we have not done this.
But, again, the words of Jesus make this commandment a bit more interesting.
"Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, thou shalt not commit adultery.
But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman, to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."
Matthew 5: 27-28)
If you have looked at anyone with lust, even once, you have broken this commandment, not by the letter, but by the spirit. And Jesus
says we are going to be judged by the spirit, not the letter. So, it is not OK with God, for you to dwell on adulterous thoughts. Who will know? People can't read minds. But God can and God does.
In addition, if you have looked at pornography at all, you have broken this commandment. Many different types of media, including music, can cause you to lust. And we can be so desensitized to evil thoughts that they can eventually lead to action. It has been said that
the first look is not lust, but the second one is.
It is not the glance that gets you, it's the gazing that does. How many times have you taken a second look at someone? That would make you guilty of the standard God has set.
Every forty-eight seconds a rape is committed, in America. Sexually transmitted diseases run rampant, because of unbridled lust in our
culture. Lust separates you from God, and takes you places that you really do not want to go. Ask yourself this question: Am I putting myself in danger with God, by the things
I think about or look at?
next post 23rd November
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