- PART 55
(Mark Cahill's Book)
Third Commandment
Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name in vain. (Exodus 20:7)
What does "in vain" mean ? It means
"Uselessly," or "to no avail," for instance we might say: "My efforts to achieve the goal were in vain. "
Taking the Name of God means to
speak it irrelevantly, uselessly,
because we are not really
addressing Him.
To do this shows that we have
contempt for Him. Perhaps without knowing it, we we are taking
something mighty and powerful
and trying to diminish it, cheapen
it by the way we use it.
In the Old Testament people were
given the death penalty for speaking God's Name irrelevantly. Some
Jews consider the Name of God so
Holy they speak or write it at all, lest they inadvertently break this commandment.
How can someone fear God and use
His Name in vain? Some people
speak evil of God and accuse Him of evil. Some make promises to God
that they do not keep. Some say: "I swear to God!" And havent a clue to what they just said.
If we complain against God, or
denigrate His Name, and Character,
we are taking His Name in vain.
Here is a sad example: On a flight to
Newark recently no one was sitting
next to me. That was kind of odd since
I had prayed for someone to sit next to me so that I could talk to them about
the Lord. But there was a guy next to
me across the aisle.
I usually don't talk across the aisle because there are people going back and forth, and that cuts the flow of conversation.
After a while though, and after
praying I decided to see if that guy wanted to engage in conversation.
He did.
His name was Michael. He told me
that his birthday was September
11th. He told me that on his birthday,
in 2001, his sister-in-law who worked
in the World Trade Centre wanted him to come there to get his gift.
So he went there. She came down at 8.45am three minutes later, the first plane hit that building. He told her to run. She worked on one of the floors where everyone was killed except
her. He told me that he was right
there when the 2nd plane hit.
He said it was terryfying. He told me
that he was standing there as a lady came hurtling down, hit a street sign and was split in two.
Because he is a professional masseur, he stayed there to work on the firemen. As we talked he told me that he was homosexual, and wanted to know if he was going to hell because of that.
Twice he motioned towards his bag
and said, "if I am going there, I have
my suntan lotion right here."
During our conversation

How many times, watching a sporting event, have you read the lips of players
and coaches as they took the Holy Name of God in vain? Even using His Name in a flippant, or joking manner, is not right with God. JC or GD are not respectful ways to talk about the
Creator of the universe.
Phillipians 2 : 9-11 says:
Wherefore God also hath highly
exalted Him, and given Him a Name
that is above every name. That at the Name of Jesus, every knee should
bow, of things in heaven and things
in earth and things under the earth.
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory
of God the Father.
The most righteous, Holy Name in the universe has been brought down to common use as a vile curse word. Ask yourself :" Have I broken the Third Commandment by taking the Name of God in vain?"
next post 14th November
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