(copied from
How to prepare for Jesus' return.
Jesus admonished His followers to prepare
for His return as if it was the most important
thing in their lives. He used the illustration of
a wise servant preparing things for his
master's return.
In another instance He spoke of us anticipating His return as (under Jewish custom) a bride should be ready for the arrival or her
So, how do we prepare ourselves for Jesus
return? We prepare ourselves first by knowing Him and then by obeying Him.
Knowing Jesus.
When Jesus returns for His own, He will return
personally to those who already have a relation-ship with Him. Jesus said that our good deeds
for God were worthless unless we had a
relationship with Him. The only thing that will count when we die or see Him return is knowing
So, how do we get to know Him? If you have
never invited Jesus to be your Savior and
Lord of your life, then prayerfully tell Him you want to be in His family.
Since Jesus knows your every thought, simply
speak to Him, thanking Him for dying for you
and telling Him you want Him as your Lord.
According to Jesus, those who personally put
their faith in Him and receive Him into their
lives are given the right to become children of
"But to as many as did receive Him and
welcome Him, He gave the right (the
authority, the privilege) to become children
of God, that is to those who believe in (adhere
to, trust in, and rely on) His Name."
John 1:12
If you have invited Jesus into your life, when He
returns He will embrace you as one of His children, completely forgiven of all of your sins.
We encourage you to read more about how
Jesus' death on the cross provides forgiveness
of your sins and total acceptance by God. (read
the article "Is Jesus relevant today).
Obeying Jesus
Jesus' return will be followed by a judgment, at
which time everyone's thoughts and deeds will
be open before Him.

Although forgiveness
of sin in based on our
faith in Jesus alone we
should want to please
Him with our lives,
and reach others with
His message of
According to Jesus, those who live for Him in
obedience will receive rewards; He says:
"My reward is with Me and I will give to each
person according to what they have done. He
Who is the faithful witness to all these things
says "Yes, I am coming soon!"
The apostle John then responds enthusiastically,
"Amen! Come Lord Jesus!"
As Jesus' return approaches, we need to examine
ourselves to make sure we are preparing to meet
Him. The words of the apostle Paul remind us
of what our aim should be.
It is our aim, therefore, to please Him, whether
we are "at home" or "away" for every one of
us will have to stand without pretense, before
Christ, our judge, and we shall be rewarded for
what we did, when we lived in our bodies,
whether it be good or bad.
The very spring of our actions is the love of Christ. We look at it like this, if one died for all
men, then in a sense they all died, and His
purpose in dying for them is that they should no
longer live for themselves, but for Him Who
died and rose again for them.
2 Corinthians 5:9-10 J.B. Phillips.
Obedience to Christ should be in response to
His great love for us.
next post 7th February