
Tuesday, 23 January 2018


                                               IS JESUS                                                                COMING  BACK 
                                                     PART 5

                                                   (copied from

How Will Jesus Return?

The Bible speaks of the Lord returning visibly 
with great power and  glory.

Five hundred years prior to Christ the Prophet 
Zachariah wrote of the Lord coming to Jerusalem
during a period of intense war. Jerusalem will be
surrounded by armies from "all nations"  The
battle will be bloody and fierce, and the armies of
Israel will be overwhelmed by its enemies. Then
something dramatic will change everything.

Suddenly, when all hope seems gone, the Jews will gaze up in the sky and see their mighty Lord Himself coming in the clouds. We are told that "every eye shall see Him, even those who pierced Him."  The Lord speaks through the prophet, telling us how He will be recognized when He returns.

"They will look on Me whom they have pierced and mourn for Him as for an only son. They will grieve bitterly as for an only son who has died."

It is important to understand that this prophecy of the Messiah's return to Jerusalem,  was written five hundred years before Jesus was born. No other person in history has been pierced, died and returned to life. It will be an incredible, emotionally moving experience for all who see

In an instant, the Jews defending their city, will realize that the Lord saving them is the very Jesus whom their ancestors had rejected. How will they recognize Him?   The same way the disciples recognized Jesus after His resurrection, by the nail prints in His hands.  

It is then that they will
weep bitterly and "mourn for Him as for an only son."  It is then that they
will realize his great love
for them

When Jesus returns, those who have already died
"in Christ"  will be the first to meet Him in the
air.  Then those from every nation who are still alive and trust Him as their Lord and Savior , 
will meet Him in the air.

Bible scholars disagree on the timing of these
events, however, as Paul wrote "we should be
watching and waiting for the "blessed hope and glorious appearing, of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ."

Jesus promise of His return will be fulfilled just
as literally as were first prophecies of His coming.
It will be in God's time, when all prophesied world events are  finally in place. His return will be a time of joy and reward for believers, but a time of 
horrible judgement for unbelievers.

C.S. Lewis  cited three prepositions to remember
about Jesus' return.

(1)   He will certainly return.
(2)   We cannot possibly find out when.
(3)   Therefore we must always be ready for Him.

We have already established that Jesus  promises
to return and that His words are believable. We
have also seen that Jesus Himself said that we cannot know exactly when He will return. But how do we prepare for His return ?

next post  31st January

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