(copied from Mark Cahill's Book)
The Claims of Christ are unique compared
with the founders of all other religions.
Josh McDowell says:
Mohammed never claimed to be God; Buddha
remained silent on the question of God;
Confucius refused to discuss the idea of God;
Moses merely claimed to be a prophet of God;
Only Jesus claimed to be God incarnate (in
the flesh). People have described Him as a wise
"teacher," a "great master," but it wasn't just
His words, but miracles which were seen as
genuine and authentic. Add together with the
ancient writings (Old Testament), all speak of
Him as Deity in the flesh."
Jesus, Whose very name means "Salvation,"
was telling the truth: He is the only way to
heaven. The pathway we have been looking
for has been found. The mystery has been
solved. He and He Alone can forgive your sin.
He is the only way to get to the Father and be
right with God.

gate, for wide is the
gate and broad is the
way that leadeth to
destruction, and many
there be that go in
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the
way which leadeth unto life, and few there
be that find it.
(Matthew 7:13-14)
The search for truth is always a narrow search,
because truth is only just what it is, and excludes
every other way or answer. The ticket to the narrow road and heaven has been found, and it
must be stamped with the blood of Jesus.
Just as there are many wrong answers, there is
one right answer when you face God on
judgment day: "Jesus paid it all."
".... if we walk in the light, as He is in the
light, we have fellowship one with another,
and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son
cleanseth us from all our sin."
(1st John 1:7)
His blood can cleanse us from all sin. And that means from all sin. The only way a Holy God
can let us into heaven is if we are clean from
all of the sin we have committed in our lifetime.
That's why our "good works" will never be
enough to allow us into the presence of an
next post 30th January
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