(Mark Cahill's Book)
Sheila was really doing some thinking as we
talked about all of this. We talked about her sin
by reviewing The Ten Commandments, which
she had mentioned as a way to be O.K. with
God. It was an amazing conversation.
At the end of our talk, I took a copy of my first book and gave it to her. She looked at me and
said, "I have been wanting to have this conversation for a long, long time now."
I told her that, on the way to the airport I had been praying that the person next to me on the flight would have an open
heart for a conversation about Jesus. I
looked at her and said, " you were the answer
to that prayer. "
The look on her face was priceless. Sheila
looked at me and said, "I am going to remember this conversation for a long, long time. I pray
for Sheila to accept Yashua/Jesus as her Saviour,
if she hasn't done it already so that she won't be judged by the Law.
One time in Winter Park, Colorado, I was doing
a lot of skiing during the day. I like to talk about eternal matters with people on ski lifts, I mean, what are you going to do, jump? They always
ride with you, right to the top!
One day on the ski lift, I was talking with a teacher from a Jewish synagogue and his son.
We were talking about the forgiveness of sin.
The Day of Atonement was a few days away, so
he told me about the fasting and prayer that is
done on that day.
As he talked I found that he knew that the Jewish
Scriptures talk about the sacrifice of animals, and that their blood is understood to be a covering for sin. He also knew that, for almost 2,000 years, Jews have not been able to offer animal sacrifices because the Temple where they must be offered was destroyed by the Romans almost 2,000 years ago.
So I explained to him about Jesus being the
perfect sacrifice for all sin, making the Temple
not needed anymore. That's why the Temple was

Two and two began to equal four in his mind.
He knew the Jewish Law that had to be fulfilled
for an effective sin offering, and now, for the
first time he was realizing why Jesus really came to this earth; To be that perfect-once-and- for-all-time sin offering.
God says of Jesus: "Who being the brightness of
His glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His
power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right and of His Majesty on high. (Hebrews 1:3)
Remember that, from the outset, the search in
this book has been for truth. Knowing the truth and living by that truth will always set you free.
next post 25th January.
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