This whole post has been copied from the ESV Bible, which is free to download on the internet. It fits in beautifully with my blog Awesome God.
From the first chapters of Genesis through the closing scenes in Revelation, the Bible is the book of God's Salvation from start to finish, its one unifying theme is one of grace and forgiveness for sinners through God's redeeming work in Jesus Christ.
Whatever else you gain from reading the bible, it would be tragic if you missed the heart of its message for you - God's gracious provision of Jesus Christ as the atonement for sin.
In the beginning
When God created the heavens and the earth, His work was perfect and pure. God looked upon all He had created and judged it to be
"very good"
(Genesis 1:31)
He took great pleasure in what He had made and the culmination of His creation came with Adam and Eve. They were made in the very image of God, which made them capable of having fellowship with God and bringing glory to His Name. (Genesis 1:27).
In the Garden of Eden, however, through deception and disobedience, Adam and Eve sinned against God, causing a break in their relationship with Him. Sin is real and sin in deadly. The guilt that resulted from their disobedience caused Adam and Eve to hide from God and to attempt to cover their personal shame.

Because they had disobeyed God's command they were now flawed and shameful in God's presence.
Adam deliberately chose a path of self-will and rebellion, which brought sin and death - including spiritual death - into the world.
"...sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned." (Romans 5:12)
- the whole human race is affected by Adam's sin.
To cover the shame and nakedness of Adam and Eve, the Lord made coats from an animal's skin for them to wear. (Genesis 3:21) God thus made the first sacrifice, and it followed the clear promise of a Redeemer when God pronounced these words of judgement upon the serpent, or Satan.
"I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between her offspring and your offspring, he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel'. (Genesis 3:15)
This prophetic word speaks of Jesus Christ and His death on the cross of Calvary.
to be continued......
should you not wish to wait for the continuing posts in the Plan of Salvation, you can read it in the ESV Bible on the internet.
next post 5th October -
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