Hello folks,
we are now at June 20th. It was my intention to start typing from home by now.
The end of August is looming and we need to pay the rent of R7000 per month.
I have now got my speed up to over 50 wpm. On good days it is 58 wpm. Now need to find a job. My eyes are also giving me a lot of trouble, thereby causing discomfort.
Approached Ruth for help in on how to get started as she is the one with the Tissa file and she has already gone through it all so she should know what I must do. Another blockage, she hands me the Tissa file and tells me to study it. I don't have time for this. I am exasperated. I need to make some money and fast. She doesn't even offer to help me.
Now looking through the file I find that I need earphones, a foot pedal and software. We don't have the money for this. Tissa does provide some of the software for free but now I am expected to find out where it is in this thick file and how to download it.
I have been doing my very best to help, but can no longer see my way clear to do it. It feels like all the effort is killing me.
Decided not to try anymore. Just sit back and wait on the Lord. He has been showing us all along that we are to wait on Him. And after all He has never ever let me down in the past.

This afternoon my room was full of bees. There were at least twenty of them and the windows have screens on them, it is amazing how they can get in. Ruth reported it to Amanda and Chris and it was discovered that they were migrating from the property next door. They sorted the problem out for us by blocking all the places where the bees could get in.
Supplies are running very low. Putting my trust in my heavenly Father.
"They that wait upon the Lord, will renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."
Isaiah 40:31
next post 11th September
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