Hello folks,
So now I have decided that in view of my research regarding the lazer treatment - if authorisation is granted - I will put it on hold for a few days, at least until my eyes are feeling better. I just cannot face making them any worse than they already are.
Another reason for my decision is that after one visit to town, I usually need a week to recover from the exhaustion - there is no way I can face two of these visits in a row.
This morning I explain my decision to Ruth. She is very annoyed with me. She does not understand, my reasoning, she thinks that I am afraid of the lazer treatment.
I fully intend to do the lazer treatment, even though there are certain risks involved, because if all goes well, it will enable me to see better - I only want to be in a better position to do so.

Medical Aid authorizes lazer treatment - I put it on hold.
The eye treatment is very involved; it takes up my whole day. Starting when I wake up in the morning (three times a day) I have to wash my eyes and eyelids thoroughly with Elizabeth Anne's Baby Shampoo - the pink one (avoid getting it in the eyes) . I have to gently massage it onto the eyelids and lashes (one eye at a time) then rinse it off with plain water and a cotton swab - discard swab - and finish off by wiping it dry with a clean dry cotton swab again discarding the swab.
Then morning and afternoon after doing this treatment I have to massage a very small amount of eye ointment onto the eyelids and lashes and last thing at night I have to do the same but also have to put the same eye ointment into my eyes.
On top of this I have other eye drops that I have to use six times a day in both eyes, fortunately without the cleansing ritual.
Praise be to God -He gives me the strength and the ability to do this. It might sound trivial but to me it is not.
next post 6th November
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