Hello folks,
We sent SMS's to Steve, Andy and Ryan requesting advice re; Paypal situation.
Steve provides me with Paypal's contact page. Have now sent them an email - must wait another 24 hours for answer.
Saturday 16th July - Vlooi very sick. Vomits continuously - she has nothing left in her stomach so only brings up water. No money for Vet.
Ruth gets advice from a friend and we spend the weekend nursing our little sick dog. She is so ill we don't know whether she will survive.
Sunday 17th - miraculously we are given R2000 by a friend. Just in time we only have one small bowl of dog pellets left.
Monday 18th July - 6 am . We have now waited 62 hours for Paypal's reply - sent another email - wait another 24 hours.
Midnight gave Vlooi her hourly doze of water from a syringe. Fifteen minutes later she get off the bed for the first time in more than three days and goes to the water bowl on her own and has a very good drink. Very good sign. Thanking the Lord.
Tuesday 19th - 9.45am still no reply from Paypal.
Another miracle today - another close friend pays R500 into my banking account as I have run out of airtime and data and batteries.

July 22nd Vlooi up and about. Fully recovered.
Praise be to God.
I have had another big hiccup with Vodacom - too complicated to go into - it would take up more than one post. Suffice it to say they always win - you just sit back and watch them put their hands in the cookie jar and you can do absolutely nothing about it. Trying to complain is like hitting your own head repeatedly against a solid brick wall. You are the only one getting hurt. Let it go. Just stay humble.
5th August - late afternoon - Steve phoned - he and Andy are coming to see us tomorrow to see what is going on here. I think they are also worried about where our next rent is coming from.
next post (on my bithday) 23rd October
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