Hello folks,
I have been having hives attacks again at night. Night before last I had to take two allergex tabs to get me through the night, so tonight a take my second last Citiset tab to prevent another attack and still have a mild one, where I have to use Zinc ointment as well.
20th October, Ruth off to town to sell her diamond ring. Has to first get evaluation certificate for which our friend gives the money. She tells Ruth not to sell the ring before talking to her first.(Perhaps she wants to buy the ring.)
Before Ruth left she also suggested that we negotiate a barter with Amanda - our coin collection valued at over R55000 for 5 months rent - I agree but we are uncertain of whether this would be acceptable.
Wait on the Lord, do what we can but leave the rest to Him.
Ran out of airtime and data on tablet yesterday so can no longer even send a whatsapp. So I am frugally using sim from phone to work on laptop, as there is very little data there.
21st October - Ruth bakes cake for my birthday on 23rd, and one for Amanda and Andre.
I have to continually fight to keep my mind on happy things, like praising God and clinging to His Word. When I allow myself to think about the mountain in front of us I get despondent and my faith grows weak.

the universe. I know that
He is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings. He owns everything - He just has to speak and everything will change.
I also know that nothing can happen to me without His consent. And He will only allow hard things to happen for a reason. He is molding me and pruning me to become the person He wants me to be.
What I do not understand is that knowing this I still become despondent and gloomy against my will.
I must make myself remember that no matter how I feel it does not change Who God is. He loves me and has promised never to leave me nor forsake me.
"He is the author and perfecter of my faith."
Hebrews 12:2
next post 1st January 2017
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