(Mark Cahill's Book)
The Bible, Nature, Science and Truth.
As you search out eternal truth, remember that the Lord says to use your reason. Use your logic. It is not intellectual suicide to believe truth. Logic exists to help us find truth. Be reasonable and watch as the truth continues to unfold.
Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord.... (Isaiah 1:18)
Saying that the Bible was written by error prone men doesn't invalidate the statement that the Bible's words are from God. The amazing fulfillment of prophecy is major evidence of that.
Furthermore, human beings don't always err. Not all of the time. We can write about error, in fact we must do it quite often, - in school, at work, and in our checkbooks, and other financial affairs.
Ninety-two times
the Bible says
"It is written..."
meaning that God
used a man to write
something that now
must be regarded as
God speaking.
When you see a beautiful painting, do you think the painter painted it? Or do you think the brush painted it? Of course, we know that the painter painted it, but we also know that the painter used the brush , in the same way, you can see that God is claiming authorship of the Bible, but He used mankind to put it down on parchment, and to preserve it through time.
Someone once said, "God can draw a straight line with a crooked stick. " That is He can use an imperfect person to do something perfectly.
We know that God can't err. and now that we know that the Bible is the Word of God, we know that the Bible can't err either. Surely God would preserve His Word and keep it free from mistakes. We just have to look at the evidence to see that this i true,
* The Bible says that what has been
made speaks very clearly of the One
Who made it:

next post 21st September
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