
Monday, 25 September 2017


      ONE                               HEARTBEAT               AWAY PART 38

(Mark Cahill's Book)

Chapter 4 - "The flames, the flames!"

Between us and heaven or hell , there is
 only life, which is the frailest thing in the 

Now that the mystery of whether the Bible is true has been solved, the way is open to the next step in our journey.: Finding what the Bible says about our eternal destination.

Do you recognise these words?

To every thing there is a season
And a time to every purpose under
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up 
that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break up, and a time to
 build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn and a time to dance...

Some people think 
these words were 
written decades ago 
for a song by The
 Byrds, but actually 
these timeless words       
were inspired 
thousands of years 
before that by God, 
( Ecclesiastes 3:1-4)

These words hit us deeply because they
 are true. There is a time  to live, and a time to die, for each one of us. The question is, what will happen to us once our time to die comes?  What happens to us after that last heartbeat?  Are you ready if  today happens to be that day for you?

God has placed an awareness of eternity
 in the heart of every man and woman.
 Deep down in our hearts, we all know 
intuitively that there is more than just this life, that there is something beyond  the grave. The Bible says that we each have a body, soul and spirit 
( 1st Thessalonians 5:23).
You will leave your  body behind at death, but what will happen to your soul and spirit ?  Where will you spend eternity?

When you look at the words etched on a tombstone, you see the person's name,
 date of birth and date of death, if there are seventy or eighty years  between the 
person's life and death dates, most of us 
would consider that the person had a nice full life. 

Yet eternity is infinitely longer than eighty years, I can guarantee that you will be alive somewhere after your physical death a whole lot longer than you will be alive here on earth.
Since that is true, let us focus on what is on the other side ......

Next post 28th September

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