Today is the 18th June, I have not touched this blog for 6 days now. I have spent the last six days trying to come to terms with my grief. I am now going to fill in these missing days as best I can.
When I opened my eyes on the 13th June the excruciable pain pierced my heart once more. My beloved son was gone, but God is still God, He will always be there, He is from everlasting to everlasting, and He is in control. He also
does not make mistakes.
Ruth and Andy went to town to do the things at the funeral home that needed to be done, like finding out costs etc.
When they returned Andy put his computer program on Ruth's laptop offering her the chance of earning some money. The three of us also discussed the next steps to be taken - we now knew approximately what the costs
of the funeral would be - but it was merely discussion nothing was written in stone.
We thought it would be best to have a family and friends "get together," ( to commemorate Danny's life) on the farm where Ruth and I have our cottage. This would be ideal as the owners have all the necessary facilities, like space and tables and chairs etc., but we would be without the church service.
Shortly after Andy left for home, I felt the need to check my e-mails and another shock awaited me. The e-mail was from a lawyer to whom we owed just over R17,000 which we were battling to pay off in installments over
the past few months.
We started by paying R500 per month and when we missed a payment due to
circumstances beyond our control we
immediately notified his office of our
dilemma. In November 2016, when we again had to miss a payment we reduced it, through contact with his office to R300 per month -
in the following seven

November 2016 and June 2017 we missed two more payments of R300 each.nBut we always notified his
office immediately when we could not pay.
Now this e-mail demanded payment of the full amount by 15th June - 2 days away - or legal steps would follow. Ruth phoned them and made an appointment for the next day. She then gathered a few of our saleable items and took them to "Cash Crusaders" in order to raise the R300 payment which we had just missed.
On the 14th she kept the appointment with the woman in charge who was very ruthless.The previous "debt collector" was now no longer in their employ and so this one was a complete stranger,
with a complete lack of empathy or understanding and Ruth left their offices in tears.
When she got home, she made an appointment with the lawyer himself - her appointment was for the 23rd June. We then had to place the problem on the back burner and carry on with the rest of our problems. Life must go on.
Fortunately God is in control.
next post 10th September
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