
Thursday, 28 September 2017


                                              ONE HEARTBEAT               AWAY

        PART 39

(Mark Cahill's Book)
Yet eternity is infinitely longer than eighty years. I can guarantee that you will be alive somewhere after your physical death a whole lot longer than you will be alive here on earth.

Since that is true, it makes sense to learn what we can about what is on the other side instead of focusing on things that are temporary. One hundred and fifty years from now, will it matter whether or not you made one million dollars, drove a convertible Mercedes, owned an incredible house, or played in the final four?

No. We never see a U-haul behind a
 hearse, because we take nothing with us when we die. The only thing that will be important on the day you die is whether or not you know the God Who created you. 

If you do, you will be with Him forever...
and ever and ever. And if you don't, you 
will be without Him forever....and ever and ever. Because you will have rejected His loving presence and accepted the 
consequences that go with that rejection.

It is only the eternal things - not the
 temporary things - that will matter. Ask
 yourself this question : Are you more
 concerned about your relationships and 
your possessions in this brief life than 
you are about where and how you will 
spend eternity?

The Bible tells of a wealthy man who was quite satisfied with all the possessions he had acquired during his lifetime. He said to himself: 

"This will I  do: I will pull down my barns, 
and build greater; and there will I bestow 
all my fruits and my goods.

And I will say to my soul, 'Soul, thou hast 
much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink and be merry.'

But God said unto him, "Thou fool, this 
night thy soul will be required of thee: 
then whose shalt those things be., which 
thou hast provided?

So is he who layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God. 
(Luke 12:18-21)

Death is sudden, death is uninvited, death is certain. We don't put death on our day planners, but one day it just shows up. It is a journey from which there is no return. Now, none of us ever wants to be called a fool, neither in this lifetime nor in the next. So, how can we , make sure we haven't been foolish one minute after we die?

Life offers numerous choices, no matter 
what we are considering; what kind of  car we will buy, what we will eat tonight, where we will go to school, who we will marry, what college we will attend, how we will spend our time, and so on.

Eternity, though, offers only two choices.
The Bible tells us that each one of us will  wind up in one of two final destinations after we die. 

.. them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame, and 
everlasting contempt. (Daniel 12:2)

We will all be fully awake and aware, either happily in heaven, or in disgrace and  everlasting contempt in hell.

Mark Twain made a joke of it, suggesting we should  "go to heaven 
for the climate, and hell for the company."

However, it will not be a joke for you, or anyone else if you end up in hell.

Next post  2nd October

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