(Mark Cahill's Book)
Chapter 6 - THE BAD NEWS
The high minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think.
-Aristotle , Philosopher , 384 - 322B.C.
Imagine a man in a courtroom who is a liar, a thief, a murderer, and a rapist. But some people stand up and say that he was a good next-door neighbor. He kept his yard clean, he looked out for other people in the neighborhood, and he always went to work on time.
Would the judge let him off for these good deeds? You and I both know that there is no way a good judge would let him off.
A good judge must make a just ruling. The man has broken the law and there are consequences he must face. He knew about the law when he broke it, so it is not a surprise to him. He just hoped he wouldn't get caught.
We know that judges should make just
decisions and we know deep down that we want that judge to make a just decision - especially if the accused has done something against us.
So, doesn't that mean that the just God of this universe will also have to make just decisions when we stand in front of Him?
We all want justice in this world. However, each of us is going to face a just Judge at the end of this life. Will justice be what we want then?
After reviewing the Ten Commandments we may think we are not too bad if we have broken only a few of them, we may have missed the mark, we think, but we can try a little harder from now on.
However, as I quoted a little earler:
"Whosoever shall keep the whole Law and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all." (James: 2:10)
So, if we have broken even one of The Ten Commandments it is as though we have broken all of them. That is a pretty tough standard to live up to. By that standard, Adolf Hitler, Mother Theresa, Joseph Stalin, Billy Graham, Timothy McVeigh, Osama bin Laden, You and I, - we would all be found guilty. That is because none of us meets the standard that God has set for us in The Law?
All of us are guilty. I have offended God with my sins. You have offended God with your sins. We are all in the same boat. And the seriousness of our sin is measured not only by the deed, but also by Who it is committed against. God Almighty.
Is that true? Have we sinned against God, not just other humans? Yes, the Bible makes that clear
next post 5th December
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