(Mark Cahill's Book)
Tiger Woods and The Ten Commandments
If Tiger Woods was judged by God's standard right now, how do you think he would do? The following account reveals what his answer was :
While I was in Florida, I learned that my best friend Charles Barkley would be about half an hour away, filming a new commercial for Nike with Tiger Woods. I didn't have Charles' phone number with me so I decided to just swing by where they were doing the shoot.
But there was a small problem. I knew that there would be a lot of security
and wasn't sure how I was going to get through that to hook up with Charles.
So, as I was driving over there, I began to pray. (If you don't already know it, praying changes things!) I pulled up to the Grand Cypress Resort and began to talk with a security guard. He told me that the shoot wasn't at the hotel but at the country club.
Then a lady went to pick up the phone.
I guessed that she was calling to see
who was on the list to get in. I knew that I wasn't, so I called her over to my car. I began to chat with her and then askrd her: " if you died tonight, are you 100% assured that you will go to heaven?"
Well then, it got fun. She told me that she loves the Lord, teaches Bible study class, and so on. Well, I told her that I had written a book, my first one, and she said she wanted a copy.
So I pulled one out of a box on the back seat and signed it for her. Then the first security guard, who was not a believer, wanted a copy of the book. Pretty cool.
Then the woman guard told me she would take me over to where the commercial was being shot. So she got in her car and I followed her over there.
She took me right through all of the security.
When I got to the set, Charles Barkley was in his trailer waiting for the shoot. So I hung out with him and his agent and some others. All of a sudden, the door opened up and an older man walked in. Charles introduced us to him. The man sat down and it turned out that he was the director of the commercial. As I sat there listening, it hit me who he was; this man is probably the most famous commercial director in the world.
He had directed four or five commercials
that appeared during one of the super bowls. I had actually seen a special on him on one of the news magazine shows. But in spite of his success, he was not a happy man. He was one of the most arrogant, angry, unhappy men I have met in my life. He mentioned going through a divorce which he said was really tough on him. But I felt that wasn't where his anger was coming from. I felt that his anger was really toward God. I would soon find out the accuracy of that intuition.
As we were sitting in the trailer, he asked what each of us did. When he got to me, I told him that I was in town doing some speaking for the Fellowship Of Christian Athletes. He looked at me and said "You are not one of those, are
you? " For the next ten or fifteen minutes this guy tried to dog Christians
as much as he could. He would start talking about other subjects, but then

Finally he looked at
me and said he wanted
to play me in a game of
one -on-one basketball! So he stood and started
walking out of the trailer. I told him "one of my
knees is messed up. "He said "I have no cartilage in my knees, so let's go!"
It had already been mentioned by Tiger's people that Tiger was getting a little "itchy" and wanted the shoot to get going. But the director wanted to play basketball!
So they had a goal set up and we went and played I was wondering why this elderly man wanted to play me one-on-one in basketball. Maybe he wanted to beat up on a Christian. So we played. During the game, I decided to take that time and witness to him. I would just ask him questions to make him think. It seemed to work OK . I finally put him out of his misery and beat him, so that he could start shooting the commercial.
When we got over to the tee box, Charles introduced us around. He introduced me to Tiger who smiled and walked on. So they went about
the business of shooting the commercial.
next post 11th December
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