Hello folks,
It is now the 26th of August and Jeff is back in hospital on a feeding drip.
Monday 28th - AA start new regime: switching power off at 10am until 1pm
0n at 1 to 2pm and
off again till 4 pm
Our rent includes water and light so this is theft. Saturdays and Sundays when they are both at home there is no load shedding.
Monday 4th September- power goes off at
1.40pm -
Jeff is still waiting for his operation to clear obstruction in stomach. He has been in back in the hospital and has had no food for 10 days. He us on a feeding drip . He is over 6 foot tall and now weighs 53 kilos. Apparently a bed has now been booked for him in I.C.U. for Thursday 7th. He is only allowed to drink water. His stomach is gnawing from hunger.
Tuesday 5th - power goes off at 10am as usual but comes back on at 12.30pm
7th Thursday - Jeff has his operation early in the morning - he phones me in the afternoon - he is back in his ward - not I.C.U.
He now has to lie on his back, and finds it difficult to sleep in that position. He is not allowed to drin water until Sunday 10th . Relieves his thirst with ice.
Saturday 9th - Jeff is now allowed to drink water.
Sunday 10th - Jeff can now eat soft foods, like oats, mash, mince and yogurt.
Monday - Jeff is going home today.
Tuesday 12th - It is Andy's 63rd birthday. Danny has been gone three months today - the pain is very raw and I am very weepy. The day starts off badly. After doing all my technical stuff , like blogs, daily WhatsApps etc I go back to sleep and wake up at 10.55am. Power is off and I presume that it went off as usual at 10am. It could have been earlier because it has happened previously on a number of occasions that it was switched off at 9.30am.
Power does not come back on at 1pm as expected, we wait another fifteen minutes to no avail. Ruth gets dressed and goes to the AA abode and is informed that they have run out of prepaid units
She WhatsApps Mr A. but receives no reply. At approximately 1.30pm she WhatsApps Mrs A and fifteen minutes later is informed that she did tell her husband to buy prepaid - she is so sorry. Mrs A arrives home at 3.25pm but only puts the power back on at 3.50pm . This is really not funny.
We have been without power all day. I could not wash dishes as we had switched the geyser off yesterday at 9am (complying with saving power)
So no hot water and no power to boil the kettle.
Also because of no power there is also no water in the taps. The borehole pump does not work when the power is off. The battery in my tablet is flat, my computer's battery hasn't worked for almost a year. I can only use it when plugged into a power socket. No cooking. No TV. Just have to lie and look at the walls.
I also note that one of the other tenant's by the name of Willem, has vacated his cottage - there are no curtains on the windows and it is empty of furniture. Charmaine tells me Willem left at the end of last month.
Wednesday 13th - 10.55am power is still on. Ruth will get local paper this afternoon and we are trusting God to provide us with other living arrangements. Living here is unbearable.
Found this wonderful comforting verse
The peace of God which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts
and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Phillipians 4:7

next post 10th December
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