- PART 68
(Mark Cahill's Book)
A few hours later, Charles finished his part of the commercial shoot and was saying his good-byes. People were walking up to Tiger and Charles and getting autographs. So I walked up to Tiger, who was there giving autographs.
As I approached it was like God parted the Red sea; everyone walked away, and it was just Tiger and me standing there.
So I pulled my book out of my pocket and told him I had just written my first book and wanted to sign a copy for him. I asked where his assistant was so I could give it to that person.He pointed out who he would like me to give the book to, and we began to walk off the tee box.
Now I knew I had to do more than just give him my book. But I got nervous and clammed up. I asked myself, "Will I let the fear of man win out in this situation or my love for God?"
I had been praying for the past two months for a chance to tell Tiger Woods about God, and now God had provided this opportunity and I didn't want to wimp out.
As we began to talk off of the tee box, I felt the Lord saying, " This is what you have been praying for, just go for it."
So as we were walking I said, "Tiger, I have always wanted to ask you a question." He said, "go for it." The same answer God had just given me!
I said, "When you die, what do you think is on the other side? What do you think is out there once you walk out of here?"
Tiger stopped dead in his tracks, looked up at me and said, "I don't know." I responded, "Whether it is Payne Stewart dying ( Payne was
a famous golfer who died a couple of years ago, and I knew that Tiger had gone to his funeral ) , or John Ritter, or Johnny Cash, we all think about these things. " He was just nodding his head.
I looked at him and said, " Did you hear what happened to Charles' brother? " He said "No," and I could tell he was intrigued.Charles' brother, Darryl, once had a heart attack, flat-lined and died. The doctors zapped him with those paddles and he came back to his body. He told me that when he flat-lined and died, his soul rose out of his body. He said that
he went to the waiting room and could tell you who was in the waiting room., what they were saying and what they were wearing, while he
was clinically dead.
There was no way this could just be
in his head since he has such clear evidence (from the waiting room) to show that he was outside of his body while his body was dead.
He told me that he then took off on a journey and that he could see trees on fire, ground smoldering around the trees, and a lake of fire in front of him.
I asked,"What did you see, Darryl?"
He said, "I saw hell."
And what he saw, he said, was much more real than the book you now hold in your hands.
Charles Spurgeon said;
" You are hanging over the mouth of hell by a single thread and that thread is breaking. Only a gasp for breath, only the stopping of the heart for a single moment and you will be in an
eternal world, - without God, without hope, without forgiveness - Can you face it?
Jesus was talking to a sick man and asked him a very interesting question, When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been a long time
in that case, He saith unto him "wilt thou be made whole?"
(John 5:6)
Sin is very expensive. I costs us a lot in this lifetime ..... and in the next one.
Question for you : "Wilt thou be made
whole? " Do you wish to get well? What's your answer?
It is amazing to realize everyone of us is guilty by the standard God has set. Even if I try to ignore my sin, it does not mean God will.
Six billion of us are guilty by that Standard. That means that six billion of us are going to hell when we die,
unless we embrace God's solution to this massive problem.
The path leading to eternal truth continues to narrow and the remedy for the Sin problem is just a page turn away.
next post 14 December
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