PART 100
(copied from Mark Cahill's Book)
Many people say they are Jesus' friends, but
their behaviour tells the truth of the matter.
"And it came to pass as they went in the way,
a certain man said unto Him, "Lord, I will
follow Thee withersoever Thou goest." And
Jesus said unto him, "foxes have holes and the
birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man
hath not where to lay His head."
And He said to another, "follow Me," but he
said, "Lord. suffer me first to go and bury my father."
Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their dead; but go thou and preach the Kingdom of God."
And another also said, "Lord, I will follow Thee
but let me first go bid them farewell, which are
at home at my house."
And Jesus said unto him, "No man, having
put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is
fit for the Kingdom of God."
(Luke 9:57-62)
Jesus also said that we would be heading for
trouble when ungodly people praised us :

"Woe unto you when all men shall speak
well of you. for so did their fathers to the
false prophets."
(Luke 6:26)
What does "woe" mean. According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
(www.m-w.com) it means:
1. A condition of deep suffering from misfortune, affliction or grief.
2. Ruiness trouble : CALAMITY, AFFLICTION,
economic woes
So, in the verse above, Jesus is saying that if the
devil's crowd likes you, you are headed for suffering and destruction. If they like you it is a
sure sign you're on the wrong track.

Of course, the opposite is true: the devil's crowd
is never going to like us if we are faithful to
Jesus. We have to accept that not everyone will like us. In fact, we have to realize that when the devil's crowd is hostile to us, it means we must be doing something right! Other people's opinion of us doesn't really matter. It is only God's opinion that matters. Following Him is all that matters. You don't want the following verse to be a description or you:
For they loved the praise of men rather than
the praise of God (John 12:43)
Always remember that no matter how people
treat you. God's way is not only the best way, it
is the only way that leads to eternal life in
heaven. And while people are speaking ill of
you, God is praising you and is very proud of
next post 19th March
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