(copied from Mark Cahill's Book)
As I was talking with a nineteen year old
construction worker, I asked him what he
liked to do for fun. He said he was a building
jumper, so I asked what that was. "You know,
like you see on T.V. people jump from the top
of one building to another one," he replied,
"its a real rush."
I'll bet it is! Since I like to ask people questions,
I asked him "have you ever missed?"
"Once," he said. He explained that one time
when he jumped, he got only his fingers over
the ledge of the building, and his body slammed
against the wall. He hung there for a moment,
and had barely enough energy to pull himself
over the top of the building to safety.
Each one of us will get to the edge of death at
some point in our lives. We are all hanging by
our fingertips, one breath away from eternity.
The problem is that we will not have enough
strength to pull ourselves "over the top."
Only the nail-pierced hand of God, can reach
down and pull us to eternal safety.

eternity all you have
to do is nothing. You are born with a nature that
is bent on rejecting
God's commandments,
so unless you do
something to deal with that fact, hell is your
default destination. But Jesus has arranged for
you to go to heaven. He has paid for your sins
and paved the way. So, to go to hell, do nothing.
To go to heaven, turn to Jesus and "repent,
confess and get rid of your mess," as the old
preacher used to say.
The choice is yours. Everyone has to make a
choice, one way or the other. "Sitting on the
fence, " is not really an option, because Satan
owns the fence. Not choosing is, by default,
choosing hell.
For God sent not His Son into the world to
condemn the world: but that the world, through
Him might be saved.
He that believeth on Him is not condemned;
but he that believeth not is condemned already,
because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
(John 3 : 17-18)
next post 4th March
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