PART 121
(copied from Mark Cahill's Book)
No two people get the same rewards in heaven, because no two people were created to be the same; therefore no two lives are the same. Jesus will reward you for what you did with your life after you committed your life to Him. And His judgment will not entail comparison with someone He created to be different, but with the way He created you to be. The things you let Him do through you will be rewarded and the things you do yourself - things that have only temporary value, and no eternal value, - will be burned up like a brush fire.
This desire to tell people about Jesus, or to behave like Jesus towards them, is nothing new. We read that the same thing happened to people in the Bible, when they had an encounter with Jesus.
They wanted to tell other people what Jesus had done for them. Andrew, Peter, the woman at the well, Paul. John, - all had an encounter with the
Son of God, and they just had to tell someone.
It brings glory to Jesus to tell others about Him. God can use you in a way that may cause them to repent and place their faith in Jesus. That is one major reason why God leaves us here on earth after we get saved; to reach the lost before they die and go to hell.
When a woman has a baby she tells everybody
Why! Because she has good news! She has been carrying this baby for nine months, the baby is born and mom is excited. She has to tell somebody.
The word "gospel" means "good news" The truth is that it is great news. God isn't mad at me.
I know how to be forgiven of my transgressions against Almighty God. Jesus died for my sins.
Then rose from the dead! If people want to share the good news of a new baby with others, why wouldn't they want to share this great news with everyone they meet?
next post 10th May
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