PART 128
(copied from Mark Cahill's Book)
I find it amazing that an atheist knows
Christians should be sharing their faith with everyone they meet, but some Christians haven't figured it out yet. His point is that Christians who don't share their faith are the most selfish of all people. Don't be that type of Christian.
Please don't. Each soul is important to God. He died for them. Let them know what He has done for them.
I saw a t-shirt with a quote by General Douglas McArthur:
"The enemy is in front of us, the enemy is behind us, the enemy is to the right, the enemy is to the left, they can't get away this time."
What a statement! I don't need to run from Satan and the lost. I need to run right toward them, knowing that God has my back! God has invitations for everyone to come to heaven. It is now our job to hand out these invitations to everyone we meet.

I asked him during our conversation if he was into Christianity. He told me "I used to be into that."
I wondered how anybody could "used to be,"
into the Son of God. Then he showed me a cross tattooed on his forearm and told me that he had the "sacred heart of Jesus" (a Catholic symbol)
tattooed on his chest.
next post 28th May
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