PART 135
(copied from Mark Cahill's Book)
In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did what was right in his own eyes.
(Judges 21-25)
If people don't follow King Jesus, they tend to follow the herd, or do whatever else they feel like doing. There will always be negative consequences in our lives if we insist on doing what is right in our own eyes rather than doing what is right in the eyes of God.
The last weekend in June is the time when major cities around the country host festivals that celebrate that hoped-for gay movement victory.
In Atlanta the event is called the "Pride Festival,"
This particular year, the festival took place just days after the Supreme Court Ruling came out. So you can imagine that the gay people were very excited and ready to throw a party.
For the past six or seven years, I have gone to this festival. Atlanta has the second-largest gay-pride festival in the nation., with 200,000 to 300,000 people in attendance. And, of course, the reason that I go is to talk with some folks, and share eternal truth with them. There were about ten of us doing some witnessing at the festival that week-end. We could sure use some help at these festivals. There are many lost people there, and there are few Christians who love them enough to try to reach them. Why do we run away from sinners instead of running straight to them with the truth they are really looking for?

I prayed and then walked over to them. One girl had moved away from the group in order to speak on her cell-phone. I struck up a conversation with the rest of them. Then asked them all this question,"When you die, what do you think is on the other side?"
All of a sudden, one of the guys looked at the girl with the cell-phone and said "Michelle, come over here, right now." I couldn't figure out what was going on. When she came over, he asked me to repeat the question. I did, and all of a sudden her eyes got huge, "what is going on?' I asked. "One week ago, we talked about that exact same question for about four hours!" She then told me that they actually have a notebook in which they take notes about what they have been discussing! So we talked for well over an hour about what is out there after we die.
next post 4th June
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