PART 134
(copied from Mark Cahill's Book)
Spurgeon said:
"If a man could tell me that he stopped Niagara at a word, I would not envy him his power if only God would allow me to stop a sinner in his mad career of sin. If a creature could put his finger on Vesuvius, and quench its flame, I would not at all regret that I had no such power if I might be the means of staying a blasphemer and teaching him to pray. This spiritual power is the greatest power imaginable, and the most to be desired. "
June is a great month. For many cities and states, it has become what many call "Pride month." What that means is that it is the month to celebrate
the gay and lesbian lifestyle. It is the time of year when that movement celebrates what is going on in their community, but their primary goal is to convince other folks that their lifestyle is really Okay.

I have always found "Pride" to be an amazing title for their events. Pride has always had a bad name.
Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. (Proverbs 16:18)
All people need to realize that pride comes before eternal destruction; and to all who are prideful and haughty, that fall is certain to come one day.
June 2003 had special significance for the gay community, because of the Supreme Court's decision that homosexual sex, done in the privacy of the home is legal. Always remember, that no matter what humans say, including humans on the Supreme Court, the Word of God stands supreme.
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