it is now 4th February. Ruth and I are going to town this morning as we need to change my address at the bank before Ryan has to provide banking details for Adsence re blogging.
The dogs know we are going -Benji and Harry jumping all over me. Ruth comes into my room to tell me something and Sally is so worked up she grabs Vlooi again.
While we are trying to separate them the other three get into a fight but we have to ignore them so that we can separate Sally and Vlooi. Ruth gets badly bitten on index finger, I get bitten and scratched on my right hand.
Vlooi Sally

We manage to get dogs sorted and off to town we go. When we arrive at the bank we are told that our proof of residential address is not acceptable so we have to go to Ruth's bank for a statement to prove our address.
We have to walk quite a distance in the mall. Even though I am using my "walker," I can't make the distance and have to sit for awhile. I am out of breath. Why did I take so long to decide to sit and rest? Same story, all the way back, walk and sit.
We did some urgent shopping of fruit and vegetables, bread etc using the money we were keeping to pay Rose at the end of February.
On the way back home in pouring rain, we saw a dog running wild on the busy street trying to avoid the traffic. It didn't know which way to go to avoid being hit. Ruth pulled over to the side of the road and managed to get the dog into the car.
The dog is in very good condition. Clean, well fed, collar around its neck with her name and two cell numbers.
Ruth phones first number and informs owner that we have his dog in our car. He says he will be with us in ten minutes. After half an hour, still no owner of the dog. Ruth phones again and gets voicemail. She leaves a message saying that if he is not here in five minutes we would be leaving taking his dog with us.
He arrived before this could happen. We would have loved to have that beautiful loving dog but that is out of the question. we can barely feed our own five.
Friday morning, 6th February
Ruth has to see the doctor for a script for an antibiotic as her finger is very swollen and hard to the touch. She did put antibiotic ointment on the wound yesterday but forgot that she should take oral antibiotic as well because of the extent of the wound.
Sally was also bitten by Vlooi and now has to wear her funnel hood to prevent her from licking the wound. We learnt another lesson from this. When she has the "funnel hood" on it is not so easy for her to bite.

to be continued..
next post 8th May
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