Wished Ryan a happy birthday. Told him about my blogging problems - he said not to worry he will sort it out.
Running out of petrol for generator - too many power cuts - generator ran all night and we also had lots of other power cuts over past few days. We must have petrol or we lose all our frozen food. Ruth has gone to town today instead of tomorrow, to try and sell my diamond ring.
Ruth phoned from town at approximately 1pm - Jeweller only wants to pay R1000 - we need at least R1200. Cash Crusaders will give us R2300 against gold earrings, silver chain and diamond ring and to reclaim them we must pay R2800 - we feel we have no other option. We will reclaim next week when we get paid for gold coins.
We panicked for nothing. The power did not go off again today - Coin shop also paid coin money into our bank account soon after Ruth had done the Cash Crusaders transaction. We would been okay if we had trusted God. He had been telling us all along that we must "wait on Him." Because we did not listen we have lost R500 in interest on a few hours loan. If we had just waited everything would have turned out fine.
15th January - Forgot to write this page - probably because I lost contact with the internet, although I do not need it to work on this section of my blog.
Came back to it on Sunday night at 10.53pm and tried again. I remember working on my tablet when it suddenly shut down - it had never done this before (it usually tells me when I am running out of data) so I was a bit surprised, but as the data was a little low I thought that that was what had happened.
I bought 2GB data even though on the 1st of every month I get 1GB, I would now have 3GB to get me through till the 14th February. I was rather annoyed that after doing this I was still unable to access the internet, but thought it might be a problem on Vodacom's side so I patiently waited. I did try again a few times to no avail. The following day (Saturday) I had access to Facebook and my E-mails but that was all.
I am learning to "wait upon the Lord."
16th January - Made ginger syrup for my ginger beer. hung liver strips in biltong maker for dogs.
washed dishes a few times, cooked liver for dogs, body very sore, took pain killer.
Slept most of the day.
Harry has two sores just above his left hind leg (looks like boils) they already have yellow heads. He cannot keep his tongue off them.
Prayed for him.
Very tired toay.
Still unable to access internet, therefore unable to pin my Bible verses on Pinterest.
Waiting patiently.
17th January - Ruth took my tablet to Vodacom after church and they did "something" to the sim card. Rebooted or something like that. I am now able to access the internet.
Spent the day mostly resting. Made a new batch of ginger beer.
to be continued .......
next post ...10th April
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